When bee’s attack – true story…

When bee’s attack – true story…

Africanized bee’s are not the friendliest and nicest of the bees we have in Arizona, but this story raised my antenna.

Read this story from the International Business Times Africanized Bees: Aggressive Insects Attack Beekeeper in Tennessee.

According to the Tennessee Department of Agriculture, a horde of partially Africanized bees attacked one Tennessee beekeeper a few months ago. A cloud of about 100,000 streamed from a hive and surrounded the man, who ran and jumped into his car. It was five minutes before the swarm gave up its pursuit. The beekeeper, who was wearing protective gear, suffered about 30 stings.

This was an experienced veteran bee keeper, thank goodness he had a bee suit on, or he could have been a dead bee keeper. Bee work in Arizona is not – IS NOT a DIY or Do It Yourself job. Don’t kid yourself, because if you start a job and the bees become nasty there is no shut off switch. You cannot dial them back to nice, they may attack everything in the neighborhood including children, pets and anyone just out having a good time.

1 Comment

  1. This is serious business. People can often underestimate pest issues, and when they’re something like bees that can cause serious harm to people, underestimating them can be detrimental. It is better to call a licensed pest control company.

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