Bedbugs Put Police Cars Out of Service – Bed Bugs showing up in weird places…


Bedbugs Put Police Cars Out of Service

I think it is amazing where we are finding Bed Bugs, they are showing up in ambulances, movie theaters and now police cruisers. So if you’re a police officer, EMT or just a regular citizen take care when and where you take a ride.


  • Bed bugs get their name because they are commonly found in beds, but can also be found in other places. Dressers, baseboards, clothes, drapes, bed frames, wall mounted devices, tack strips/carpets, behind cracked paint or wallpaper.
  • Bed bugs feed on the blood of any warm-blooded animal.
  • They can ingest up to 7 times their weight.
  • A severe infestation can result in over 500 bites in a single night.
  • Bed Bugs are able to live up to 12 months without a meal, this is debatable in Arizona because of the lack of humidity.
  • They are immune to many of today’s insecticides, generally permethrins.
  • Many people can live with them without even knowing they’re there.
  • Their eggs hatch within 10 days and only take 30 days to become fully grown.
  • Females can lay up to 500 eggs over their lifetime.
  • Reported cases have increased over 500% the past few years.
  • Bed bug infestations are a traumatic experience for those attacked including increased stress, anxiety and insomnia – I call this the CREEP FACTOR.




  1. I don’t get the Bed Bugs put police cars out of place part?? Bed Bugs are pretty terrible but I’m pretty sure they don’t disable police cars?!

    • I think the point is, that can’t use the cars because they don’t want to transfer the bed bugs to prisoners or on duty cops.

  2. Bed bugs are definitely a traumatic experience – thankfully they are not as common in Australia as in the US (but still much too common).

    Thanks for sharing those facts – scary stuff!

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