Bed Bug job – Day 3, The Follow-up.

Bed Bug job – Day 3, Invader Pest Management & ProBest Pest Management


One of the rules in any any Bed Bug treatment is the follow-up, how do you known if the job was successful? One of the simplest ways is by asking if anyone is being bitten? This doesn’t always work because some people respond differently to Bed Bug bites, so ProBest Pest management installed some Verifi™ (Monitoring and Detection) devices within the home. These units have a 3 fold way of attracting Bed Bugs:

  • Verifi Co2 Booster Pack – Carbon Dioxide – something we breath out and the Bed Bugs are attracted to.
  • Pheromone lure – encourages Bed Bugs to gather and aggregate into a harborage area.
  • Kairomone  lure – this device is used to mimic a blood source meal, that’s us.


This was a FREE job (Paying It Forward) and I want to thank Channel 3, Meredith Yeomans for coming up with the story and the deserving folks for the story. I also want to say thanks to the deserving folks for letting us take over their home and giving us the opportunity to help them. I also want to thank Invader Pest Management – who gave us a hand because I knew I couldn’t do this job without their experience and equipment. Thanks Fred, Danny and Peter.

Pest Control Companies: Have you done a Bed Bug job or other interesting job Pro Bono – FREE. Tell us about it and Thanks for Paying It Forward!


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