WOW say it out loud, Pesticides do help!


I have said it many times and will continue to say it out loud, pesticides when used correctly help to balance the threat of pests against humans and animals.  I ran across this article by  Alan Caruba — (June 8, 2013) “Pesticides Kill Pests, And Protect Lives“. Alan Caruba writes a daily post at http://factsnotfantasy.home An author, business and science writer, he is the founder of The National Anxiety Center.

Some points of his article – I have read “Silent Spring” and with the facts coming out these days I think we may have jumped the gun on banning DDT in 1972.

“Unless pest populations are kept in check the diseases for which they are famous will spread. They also protect billions of dollars’ worth of crops that feed millions here in the U.S. and around the world.” I have seen widespread havoc from German Cockroaches in homes where children live, asthma and stomach issues abound. Yes we do have available a wide range of new pesticides and with these come some risk – take note of the EU ban on Imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, clothianidin, it may be affecting honeybee populations.


To close I want to end with his quotations on what to expect if we ban pesticides:

“The next time you read a newspaper article or watch some report on television declaring that pesticides are a hazard, keep in mind that pest management professionals are trained in their proper use and the pesticides are all registered with the Environmental Protection Agency. The rest of us need to read and heed the label!

Malaria is still killing millions in Africa. Elsewhere in the world, diseases like Dengue Fever have a similar impact. The extraordinary advances that could protect humans continue to be under attack by environmental organizations, more interested in “saving the Earth” than they are in saving lives.

If you ban all the pesticides, all that is left are the pests.”   Please read the entire article, gives you pause to think.

1 Comment

  1. Hailey Andersen

    I couldn’t agree with you more. Pesticides, when used improperly, can be hazardous, but when used correctly they have the potential to improve and regulate everything from our crops to our quality of life at home. I have had to do a lot of flea control in my own home. If I didn’t get rid of them, our house would be nearly unlivable!

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