Chagas disease and the Assassin Bug…


Neglected Tropical Diseases: An unfolding Tragedy of Chagas Disease in North America.” As many know this is my favorite looking bug, the one I think has the patterns and artistic shape that just looks cool for a bug. If you read the home seal you also know that this little bug is a biter and transmits a nasty little disease called Chagas.

The data shows that incidents in Mexico could be in the area of 1-6  million cases, USA 300,000 – 1 million and Canada less than 100,000.


Tips for keeping them out of your home:

  1. Repair screens and make sure they are in place.
  2. If your spending time outside, wear some type of repellent.
  3. If you live near horses or cattle, pay particular attention – they prefer these animals but given the chance will come after us.
  4. Close doors and install thresholds and door sweeps.
  5. Repair weep screens on attic rooflines.


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