Dogs cats pets ticks

dogs cats pets ticks


Dogs cats pets versus ticks ohhhh my. So here in Arizona we are somewhat lucky not to be plagued by fleas very often. Our humidity isn’t favorable to their life-cycle. But don’t worry we have a host of other vicious little critters that enjoy bothering our pets and us. In general, ticks are to be found wherever their host species occur. Migrating birds carry ticks with them on their journeys; a study of migratory birds passing throughout the country. Ticks are widely distributed around the world, especially in warm, humid climates, yep that’s us.

That picture above is a fully engorged tick, after feeding on something she will be ready to lay her large mass of eggs -somewhere between 2,000 and 18,000. Ticks can fast for long periods but eventually die if unable to find a host. This behavior evolved approximately 120 million years ago through adaptation to blood-feeding and a female can increase her body size to 600%

dogs cats pets ticks

dogs cats pets ticks

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