Curiouser, Curiouser the Intriguing Tale of a Mouse or the Rat…

Curiouser, Curiouser the Intriguing Tale of a Mouse or the Rat…

An actual story from two of our customers:

Curiouser “There I was sitting on my couch one late evening, probably shouldn’t have been watching a scary show.Then I heard the noise. My mind races thinking I was being burglarized or someone was watching through a window. Then I heard it again and small noise more like a bump. I got up and went into the kitchen and I almost screamed, it was a small mouse on the kitchen sink counter. I couldn’t wait, I knew my bug guy was probably asleep. But I did call and got the asnwering machine and I left a message. Then it happened the Bug guy called me back and boy was I impressed with that company. The Bug guy said it probably was something unusal and that he would see to it that someone would respond first thing in the morning.”

So it turns out that the mouse probably came in through the bottom of the kitchen door and we replaced the door threshold. We put down a tin cat to catch the little mouse (which we did the very same day). We did check all the cabinets and only found a few little dropping on the counter and no where else.No mention of a rodent again from that customer and I’ll bet she is extremely glad of that.

  1. The inspection – identifies the issue and the cause = one mouse.
  2. Fix the problem – door threshold.
  3. Catch the mouse.
  4. Follow up with customer.

I received a call one morning from a very upset customer – during the night one of her children had to use the bathroom and discovered a rat in the toilet. I can only imagine that scream and how I would respond to that shocking discovery. She indicated that the rat was still in the toilet and would I please respond ASAP. I had to think for a minute or two to come up with the plan and I headed that way. I put a fishing net under the seat and lifted the lid and there it was – one scary wet looking rat. It was tired and I grabbed it with my gloved hand and put it into a bucket and away I went. Several months ago I saw the customer again and she mentioned the rat again and we laughed. In my 20 years in this industry I have never had a rat in a toilet and often think about how it got there. Second story bathroom, no signs of a tree touching the home and I would think the sewer pipe was a long way to go – so I’ll guess I’ll never know!

  1. Inspection/asscertain the issue
  2. Remove rat
  3. Inspect to make sure nothing can come in from outside, windows closed, no evidence outside including any way in.


Not my video but one I found on youtube. stelladachicken


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