All posts in “pests”

What about those High School Senior’s and their pranks?

72,000 Ladybugs released in High School as Senior Prank


OK I was intrigued when I read this and of course since it was bug related had to pass it along. I was interested in how it started and because I don’t remember doing one when I graduated some 40 years ago. Gosh I’m old!

So as I was researching, here are a few I thought different (I’m not advocating any of this, don’t break into building or destroy property):


Oh oh, Houston we have a problem

Scorpion sting woman on plane

A flight out of LA had a bit of an issue with a feisty scorpion. Scorpions can hitch a ride but accidently getting into boxes and or other objects. It doesn’t happen often but bugs and other type of wildlife will take advantage of opportunities, maybe there was water or food present or maybe it was for warmth. If you are moving boxes from an attic or shed always wear gloves and take care.


Large mosquito or Crane Fly?


One of the calls I get this time of year concerns this little fellow above, the Crane Fly. It looks like a mosquito on steroids and are in the same Order Diptera (= two wings) as mosquitoes. Crane Flies are found throughout the world, in Arizona generally right after the Spring rains we see them and then all of a sudden they are gone (usually living only 10 – 15 days). The larvae are found near water and eat organic materials and become food for fish and other small insects.

Just after emerging from her pupa case she seeks out a male, mates and lays eggs in moist soil. So hang in there they won’t be around long. Oh I almost forgot they don’t bite so no worries.




Did you have any idea? Cockroaches may have personalities…

This article appears in the “Royal Society Publishing” “Group personality during collective decision-making: a multi-level approach.”

Group personality during collective decision-making: a multi-level approach | Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences

highlight that the individuals within groups exhibited consistent personality traits in their probability of sheltering and total time sheltered

Photo by PPMA

Photo by PPMA

Well I guess its official Bedbug lineage goes back to Batbugs.

So I think most of us probably thought they came from Batbugs but now the research to proving that theory. “Origin of Bedbugs revealed

Researchers have found that there are two lineages in Europe. They are so diverse, they have almost split into two species.

100_0139So keep a watchful eye out for these pests, because once you encounter them its hard to forget them. Take care my friends.

Why does Canada have some tougher rules on pesticides?

Over the years I have noticed that Canada is tougher on pesticides than we are in the States and was just curious why that was?                      “Citronella safety debate

Back in 2004, Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency completed a review of citronella-based insect lotions and sprays and said it was not convinced the products were safe.


I’m a fan of being on the safer side of things, but we must also weigh the risks that the bugs bring. It turns out that the people often are the lead in these laws. They fought to keep pesticides out of lawn and gardens applications and this ban (Canada) took effect in 2009. I also found this article “Organic pesticides can be worse than synthetic: study

OK my point is this, I believe pesticide in moderation or IPM – use the tools available, then if you must, then use pesticide.


Does it get cold enough to kill pest/bugs?

Over the last few years it certainly hasn’t been cold enough in Arizona to freeze out the bugs. Some insects actually have a type of antifreeze or so called blood within their bodies. They crawl into a nook or hiding spot and if it is cold they just don’t come out. If it warms out they will come out and possible go in search of food.

  • If it rains and they get flooded they search for drier land, that might be your house.
  • If it is really hot, they might be more active and search for food.
  • If its cold for only a few days, that might not be enough to kill them, Especially scorpions or the hardier of the insects.

Filling in those cracks or holes around your home will help to keep them out and also keep the cool or warm in. Caulking is an excellent tool in keeping those bugs out – buy and use the clear caulk. It really works well.

Photo by NPMA

Photo by NPMA


Don’t move firewood, watch boat bottoms for unwanted pests

I have seen it a few times, people bring in firewood and all of a sudden we have PowderPost Beetles or something else coming out of the wood. I have also seen the Arizona Fish and Game send out flyers and web information on the spread of quagga mussels on the bottom of boats. Here are two stories or updates on these issues.

Park changes firewood regulation to protect forests

Invasive mussels now confirmed at Lake Havasu as well as Lake Mead


It is really important to recognize that animals, wildlife and pests can travel. Just like Fire Ants in potted plants or termites in lumber or other materials. So always stay vigilant and be on guard against invasive species.


Photo from AZGFD site


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