All posts in “termites”

Termite down - tubes

Termite down – tubes

Termite down – tubes

Do you see the shadow of the Termite down – tubes? Our termites here is Arizona are a little strange. they will build tubes rather than take the original way back down. But I suppose if they didn’t do that we might not know they were in the home.

Just think of those girls, working 24/7/365 never taking it easy work, work and work. All in search of the wood cellulose in your home. It never hurts to hire a Professional Pest Company to explore your home inside and out for pests. We look everyday so we know what to look out for. It is often the single biggest asset you have, so protect it. If you notice something strange give us a call, better safe than sorry. Our termites in Arizona don’t usually do a lot of damage but why encourage them to be in your home. Bugs are out there everywhere, but you shouldn’t allow them access into your place.

Call A Pro… Call The Best. PROBEST!

Termite work

Termite Work

Termite work

Termite work should be left to the Professionals, we have the tools, equipment and the knowledge to do the job correctly. There are some things that we do that not everyone abides with. We clean the tubes off the stem wall or foundation. We will try to remove the evidence on the drywall, needing painting or a touch-up.

Subterranean termites are creatures of habit, they generally go up in straight lines, always with the grain unlike drywood termites which cut against the grain. Lots of work and research has been done on termites, but the judge is still out on rather they random forage or just head off after heading on roots or concrete structures.

So let’s think about a dead tree on your property next to the house. You cut it down and the roots remain for years. I heard that in orange groves, the roots can stay 20 years. That is a very long time, but its food for termites and other pests.

Quality work with integrity and trustworthiness. The standard of an Honest Company.

  1. Check your home monthly for pests.
  2. Look inside and outside.
  3. Check sheds and out buildings.
  4. Check up and down.
  5. Call ProBest if you have any questions. 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176

Termite activity

Termite activity

Termite activity and I often get calls that say I have termites I think? The picture on the right is a drywall texture and has been painted but someone thinks its termites. The picture on the left is just that pressurized sawdust wood that has gotten wet at one time or anther. Neither are termite damage or evidence.


   Termite activity   Termite activity

Termite activity is often dirt that is the form of a tube, or a mark on wall, or damage. The damage above is not termites while the one below has dirt and/or mud so it is. If you are unsure call a Professional and of course they can assist you in the treatment. You can also send pics of the damage and or what you think is termites to service at and we can ID it for you.

Termite season

Termite season

Termite season

Its termite season, as soon as monsoon hits and rain begins to fall. Those mud tubes seen in the picture are a sure sign. Now if they are inside and more noticeable its time to call ProBest Pest Management. If your home was built before they started raising the stucco, it is good to have an inspection yearly but at least every other year. Termite are crafty and often not visible, so a termite inspection by a Pro is often the best medicine again these little girls. 24/7/365 they are lurking for a way into your home and all they want is food = your home.

So what do you look for?

  • Those telltale tubes up the outside wall.
  • Those same type mud tubes inside, either at baseboard or the ceiling, these can be drop tubes or damage on walls. Subterranean termites always go with with the grain of the wood and always have dirt with those galleries.
  • Any damage that you are concerned about.
  • Any painting that is damage from behind.
  • Anything that you are concerned with call our office or send us a picture [email protected]
  • Termite Season is here, are you prepared – call ProBest today 480-831-9328 or 623-414-9176

Termites can cause significant problems, so watching you single biggest investment is worth it. If you watch a home for someone else it is equally important. Along with a 401K, it is an asset to you or a loved one. Pest control is also handy to have, as the technician is there on a consistent basis and can catch many issues.


Tank Stand

Tank Stand

Tank Stand

The tank stand is there for your Hot water Tank. It is enclosed and we often fail to see any termites. We have noticed in our travels that 5 out of 10 have issues that are hidden. Therefore we are including a bath-trap access panel in all our termite treatments if applicable. The stand is generally located in the garage and hides the plumbing access from the concrete. Any penetrations through the concrete are potential threats from termites. Those termites have nothing better to do, then try to access your concrete foundation or slab looking for food = wood.

By the way I had someone mention mention – my house is block and can’t be eaten. Big news, there are things inside and the roof is generally wood. I’ve seen them eat pictures, painting and stuff in the garage, nothing is off limits. Don’t fall for that “My house is safe from termites”, maybe better equipped but watch out. There is a saying “Its not a question of if, but when”.

Termites are active in Arizona year round, but more active during or just after Monsoon. More water = more termite or bug activity.

Termite damage

Termites cause over 5 billion in damages each year in the US, more on the East Coast then Arizona. I think mainly due to the lack of water, I’ve seen bathrooms devastated in Florida. Depending on the type of slab and the construction practices at the time, can lead to serious issues in bathrooms etc. My #1 rule is at least once a year walk around your home, or better yet have ProBest Pest Management  check your home yearly and you do it once a year as well. I can generally spot termites from the street and if you do it for a living you get pretty good at it.

Concrete walls

Concrete walls

Concrete walls


Concrete walls, can be a termite walkway right into the house. Termites are amazing and they can show up in places I can only imagine. How they find holes in concrete and then pop up is just a amazing fact of these little girls? We service a set of building at Frank Lloyd Wright and the walls are made of Coquina rock and there are spaces throughout. The termites are very crafty and they will find any crack in the rock or concrete. Typically when homes are built these days, there is a gap as to where the stucco is so that helps a lot. Not so long ago the stucco went right into the dirt and you might not see the termites until they were in the house. So what do you look for with termites or even water damage:

  1. Mud tubes.
  2. Any signs of baseboard cracking, it looks like your fingers are bunched together.
  3. Signs of tunes hanging down from ceiling or mud tubes on the wall.
  4. Any wood damage – check for the presence of mud/dirt = sure sign of termites.
  5. In Arizona we have grass eating termites.
  6. Sheds should be on concrete or raised and sometimes that isn’t enough. So check those out buildings as well.
  7. And if there is any questions – call ProBest 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176

If you have pictures you can send them to us, just call and we will give you the number. or send them to [email protected]

Thank you for your business past and future.

Termites tunneling

Termites tunneling

Termites tunneling in the soil around your home is inevitable. Stopping them before they get into your home must be absolute.  Termiticides have come a long way since the 1950’s  – some good and some maybe not so good. But all in all this all depends on how you stand on repellent, non-repellent and baiting?



In the 50’s Chlordanes usage was curtailed and replaced with shorter life termiticides. Chlordane lasted or had half life of approximately 50 years. OK I know some will argue but in plain language, EPA didn’t want it to last that long in the soil. Soon came shorter life in soil termiticides and newer type classes like Premise which is a non-repellent. Then came Termidor oh and I forgot some new baits like active ingredients Hexaflumuron and noviflumuron. These are baits that are placed into the soil and eaten by termites which then affects molting. My personal opinion especially in Arizona is that it is extremely hot and this in turn heats up the bait station. So I think putting a pesticide in place permanently is the way to prevent Termites tunneling. Termidor stays where you put while Premise can move up and down depending on water activity. We also perform WDIIR or Wood Destroying Infestation Inspection Reports. No matter where you live in the South termite are active usually year round. Depending on your location some moderate to heavy infestations can occur. Florida for instance is greater than Arizona due to moisture. Where you have more water and building codes that lean towards conducive conditions you will find termites.

Drywood Termites

Drywood Termites

Drywood Termites are not a real BIG problems here in Arizona because Drywoods  get all their water from the wood. The most obvious sign of termites are the pellets they leave behind. Subterranean Termites use their fecal material with their waste to build tunnels and tubes. The fecal pellets from these termites are rounded with concave grooves, primarily from their anal glands reducing the amount of water escaping.


Subterranean termites eat with the grain of the wood, while Drywood Termites  eat across the grain. You can always tell subs versus drywoods – dirt or soil is always included with damage of subs. I remember a building Daytona Beach, Florida – huge building with multiple floors and upstairs wood floor with piles of Drywood pellets. They were obvious little pyramids all over the floors. In this case the only (only method to absolutely get rid of them is fumigation. You tent the entire building and put gas inside. Here is Arizona you can get lucky from time to time and find the termites.


On occasion I have found them in windows and or walls. Either take out the wood or use a product that can seep into the wood. This can only occur if the wood has never been painted or varnished. You can spray, paint or foam the unsealed wood, just follow label instructions. As you can imagine these Drywood Termites are quite common in areas with water like Florida and California. However, you won’t find them in colder climates and the actual size of the colony is limited to about 3000. Subterranean termites can usually have over 1 million, while Formosan termites (another type of Subterranean) can have 16 million or more.

Remember that the bugs will inherit the earth, one way or another they will be here forever. So call ProBest for all your bug needs 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176

Remove term: Hot Water Tank stand Hot Water Tank stand

Hot Water Tank stand

Hot Water Tank stand

The Hot Water Tank stand or just plain tank is usually in your garage, probably in a corner or maybe just inside your home. Depending on where it is, there could be a stand that it sits on. Sometimes the pipes come up through the slab and termites find there way in. Or there could be a crack where they sneak in. The bad thing about this area is that it is not visible and as in this case. the termites went straight up. They were noticed at the ceiling during an inspection. After doing some investigative work we put a hole in that box stand and found where they were coming up.

The job of inspector is almost a detective case, where do you look and what do you expect to find? Generally speaking Sub termites, go with the grain while Drywood termites cut across the grain. So when subs go up the wood, they hit another 2×4 and go with the grain. Then then attempt to come down and that is why you get notice a tube hanging down from the ceiling.  Our Arizona sub termites tend to do this often and is usually why we get the call about termites. Call ProBest if you signs similar to this 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176.

Real Estate

Real Estate

Real Estate

So have you bought a home recently or planning on selling one, now is probably the time? Market is up and things are moving and that’s a great thing. Real Estate continues to be a winner for building equity. So in that light let’s discuss the Pro’s and Con’s of inspections.


  1. Hiring a professional – starting with a Professional Experienced Real Estate Agent, Home Inspector and a Termite Inspector. All 3 are important on purchasing or selling your home.
    1. I can’t even imagine just settling for good with a Real Estate Agent, I want one that has been around awhile – knows the in and outs of what neighborhoods are good, etc. Look on the internet for reviews and ask friends. Agent:
    2. Home Inspectors – Again look for qualifications and experience, again ask friends and neighbors, how many do they do each day or weekly? The latest trend is to bypass the Termite Inspection and have the home inspector do that, check credentials and make sure he is certified with the Office of Pest Management (OPM) Department of Agriculture?
      1. This  is a true story, just a month or so ago. A realtor called me to say that her neighbor sold the house, buyer sent a home inspector (he missed the termites) now what? Well as I understood the story he was licensed but just missed it. It happens so you must be careful. Why not hire a Professsional that has 30+ years at this?
    3.  This is my line – You want a Professional Termite Inspector, I personally have over 30 years of looking for and at bugs. I’ve been around the World looking at bugs and regularly investigate and check out the new stuff that is happening around Arizona and the USA. ProBest goes back 40 years to 1981, we started doing just termite inspections and treatments. Then 2007 happened, thank goodness we were already selling and doing pest treatments, weeds and bird work.

Do your homework, challenge the conventional – HIRE A PRO and leave it to them to do the hard work but choose wisely.

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