All posts in “blood”

This home seal might be to easy, Bed Bugs where – what say you?



All joking aside OK maybe that is not possible, I do have a few Bed Bug questions? Just for the record in case anyone is monitoring my home seal from the NSA, TSA etc,”Freedom of Speech!  I’m really just joking, really. “Senate undergoes emergency cleaning after woman drags in Bedbugs


  1. How do we know that the Bed Bugs weren’t there for support from their colleagues?
  2. How will be differentiate between the Senators, Lobbyists  and the Bed Bugs?
  3. With all the children coming into the US maybe the Bed Bugs were seeking asylum?
  4. I don’t know for sure but I’ll bet they acted faster on this issue than the “Highway Funding Bill.”
  5. Professional Courtesy.

Nothing is for sure except Death and Taxes – and I’m sure if we didn’t pay our taxes they would come after our blood. So take care my friends if you are visiting Washington D.C. because you never know what you may come home with.

Bed Bugs are still out there folks…


These bugs are a major pain in the — to many who thought it wouldn’t happen to them. Calls have increased due to summer travel, so please beware and take precautions. The National Pest Management Association (NPMA) has a lot of good information, so please take a moment of your time to read and understand.

Now on to a touchier situation, don’t believe everything you read about Bed Bugs but rather visit those sites that have good information.  People still tend to I read this or that and I try my best to set the record straight, but the NPMA really is the authority on bugs. They set the standard with QualityPro and a staff Entomologist. The more you know = KNOWLEDGE and we all know that Knowledge is Power.


Those darn mosquitoes are at it again – Chikungunya virus.


I probably have said this a few times but a really great reason to read my home seal – I stay ahead of the curve on new species, updates on issues around the US and World  and primarily issues with vector borne diseases.

3 confirmed cases of Chikungunya virus in NC”  A few of these diseases include symptoms that some of us could account for daily such as joint pain, headaches and rashes.

Stay well my friends…


Photo by PPMA

Do you know how bugs sneak into your home or business?

Bark scorpion entering a building under a door

Dawn H. Gouge, Ph. D. University of Arizona MAC Experiment Station

Given the space or lack thereof – bugs will make their way into your home or business. Pests have adapted to us, just look at German Roaches they will use exploit our weaknesses and hitch a ride home to our kitchens or businesses.  Bed Bugs are very much the same, they will hide in luggage or shoes and boom they are in our house ready to feed off any family member they can find.

Home-sealing is by far the best way to keep out those pests. Caulking, door sweeps and fixing screens are an excellent way to keep pests out. IPM or Integrated Pest Management is the way to think when it comes to protecting your family.

Have you read the news lately about bugs?


I’m truly amazed when it comes to what kids do, I think the biggest thing I ever remember doing as a kid was to push my curfew. Of course I was a great kid, just saying! But have you read about kids crushing up Bed Bugs and smoking them – well its all a hoax – My first thought when I did hear this story on the radio was where are they getting all these Bed Bugs from?

Origins: April 2014 saw the proliferation of Internet accounts, based on a purported local television news spot from Phoenix station KNXV, reporting the latest alleged shocking schoolyard trend: kids smoking or injecting crushed bedbugs to get a cheap high from a hallucinogenic substance (PH-417) supposedly contained within those critters:

The latest news story concerns “Beezin” teens supposedly slatering eyelids with Burt’s Bee lip balm to experience tingly high.


Bed Bugs hiding under wallpaper

Origins:   April 2014 saw the proliferation of Internet accounts, based on a purported local television news spot from Phoenix station KNXV, reporting the latest alleged shocking schoolyard trend: kids smoking or injecting crushed bedbugs to get a cheap high from a hallucinogenic substance (PH-417) supposedly contained within those critters:
Origins:   April 2014 saw the proliferation of Internet accounts, based on a purported local television news spot from Phoenix station KNXV, reporting the latest alleged shocking schoolyard trend: kids smoking or injecting crushed bedbugs to get a cheap high from a hallucinogenic substance (PH-417) supposedly contained within those critters:

Some flies have stripes, why do Zebra’s have stripes?

Blending in, right?

Some flies have stripes, is it to blend in. I really thought that it was to blend in but I was wrong. Looks like the reason for their stripes has to do with warding off insects. “Why do Zebra’s have stripes? To keep the bugs off.


flies PPMA

Have you seen those TV shows in the Arctic where the flying insects looked like there were zillions. The poor animals having to endure the biting and blood sucking pests. It is amazing to me to see that animals adapt to environments such as these. I have been camping many years ago and the mosquitoes would just drive you nuts, you couldn’t get away from them. I also remember canoeing down the Wekiva river and being attacked by deer flies and horseflies. Those bites really hurt. So it looks like all I had to do was paint myself black and white.

Do you think Bed Bugs care about the cold?


Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr I was in Washington D.C. this month and it was freezing. I was in the Jefferson Memorial and in walked this kid with shorts on, I had to ask and yes he was from Vermont. He has Maple syrup for blood, cause the wind was whipping off that little lake and I had a goretex jacket on. But anyway I just heard that Bed Bugs are on the increase in Alaska. “Bed Bugs are calling Alaska home at increasing numbers“.

14_Bed Bugs

Photo by PPMA

So take care when traveling or letting folks stay at your home. Bed Bugs continue to impact libraries and hotels are alarming rates.

Fleas and Plague.

Fleas and history. I love history and this is one I don’t want to see us repeat. 2/3 of Europe was extinguished in the blink of an eye and the Justinian Plague wiped out 1/2 of the known world at the time. It is often called the Black death as people would develop bubo or these black looking bumps on the skin, often in areas of the lymph nodes within our bodies. Humans usually contract the plague after being bitten by a rodent flea that is carrying the bubonic plague bacterium or by handling an animal infected with plague, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). To prevent the disease from spreading to humans, ADHS warns visitors and residents not to allow pets to roam freely, as well as treating them with flea-prevention medications; to avoid contact with sick or dead animals and to stay away from rodent burrows; to wear insect repellents to keep fleas away when hiking or working in areas where plague might be active; and to wear rubber gloves when skinning and cleaning game animals.

I also had no idea but there are about 2000 cases of bubonic plague reported yearly. Scary!

Animals, such as rodents, squirrels, pack rats, prairie dogs, mice, chipmunks, voles, and rabbits can be affected by plague. Wild carnivores can become infected by eating other infected animals. Symptoms may include fever, chills, weakness and muscle pain. I’ve heard of cases in the 4 Corner region of Arizona, Colorado, Utah and New Mexico but New York City rats have also been tested in the past with no reports yet of the bacterium. Did you know that they believe there are over 8 million rats in NYC, wow.

Dr. Bug suggest the best way to protect ourselves from these potential infections is to keep the rat population under control. Removing food, water and  shelter are key to eliminating rodent infestations. Keep them out, if you see one there are probably more. Fix holes and prevent access and door guards are essential.

Fleas Photo by Univar

fleas Photo by Univar


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