All posts in “cabinets”




Not my favorite bug, Flies are the worst but roaches and their messiness are just disgusting.  German Roaches come inside your home via boxes, they hang tight until they get into your homes from warehouses that contain food stuffs. Then when you leas expect them, they come out to set up shop at your place. So here are a few facts:

  1. They prefer to hide in boxes and are brought into homes.
  2. They are always inside homes, unless lost (OK I’m guessing on that) but they are not an outside bug.
  3. They will eat anything.
  4. They are difficult to get rid of, breed like crazy.
  5. They lay an egg-case with about 30 little eggs inside.
  6. They are a tan color and they have little black stripes on the head.

What to do to keep them out?

1. When bringing home groceries, take product out of the box and put in Tupperware.

2. You can freeze the box, that would kill anything inside. Then put in Tupperware.

3. If you notice one, call a Professional ASAP. Notice #4 above. Oh and don’t use aerosol bombs, those things have their place but often pushes them deeper into cracks and crevices.

4. If you store stuff in garage, don’t use plastic – mice can get into them.





Sanitation, I think most of us don’t think about but maybe subliminally it’s there? You throw away garbage because it will spoil and smell bad. Food goes bad and we clean out the refrigerator. We clean the counters and the surfaces because they are dirty. So why don’t restaurants do the same? After binge watching Gordon Ramsey on Hell’s Kitchen. Sanitation is VITAL.

Places people should clean:

  1. Sides of stoves, refrigerators. Fans need to be cleaned, oils cling to everything.
  2. Pull out the refrigerator clean the coils, this will save on electricity.
  3. Tops of everything, stoves, cabinets, lighting – everything.
  4. Doors and windows.
  5. Walk in coolers need to be checked frequently. Never stack chicken on top.
  6. Pantries – rotate stock.
  7. If you notice bugs, call your Pest Management Professional ASAP. Things will not get better over time.
  8. Have a system or plan in place, example – wash floor nightly, clean countertops nightly and always say who cleans what.
  9. This should occur at home as well, daily chores.

Kitchen tubes

Kitchen tubes termites

Kitchen tubes and termites, always a freaky thing to discover. This was of course unusual and of course there was a shower bathtub on the other side. This makes it difficult to treat, almost making it impossible to get to the bath-trap. Maybe the possibility of angle drilling, but whoa pipes in the way.

Checking your home monthly for signs of termite tubes is helpful in determining an active infestation. Check for signs outside at the foundation and check inside for any signs of soil/dirt tubes and stains. In Arizona termites become more active after monsoon and the rains. This year we have had a lot of rain, so keep an eye out for signs.


Bed Bugs spreading across the US

bedbug spreading

bedbug spreading








Bedbugs are spreading rapidly and continue their march across the US. I  don’t always get creeped out with pests but BedBugs do it for me. I think about accidental infestation, maybe a lone bedbug falls into a pocket or shoe and I bring it home.

Take care traveling, check out the room and if you think you see something contact management. Don’t bring in used furniture without looking it over really well. Check out our webpage and the Nation Pest Management Association has a site “All Things Bed Bugs”

Other NPMA Bed Bug Info & Facts:

  • Bed bugs can lay one to five eggs in a day and more than 500 in a lifetime.
  • Bed bugs can survive for several months without eating.
  • Bed bugs can withstand a wide range of temperatures, from nearly freezing to 122 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Bed bug draw blood for about five minutes before retreating to digest.
  • Bed bugs hatchlings are so small they can pass through a stitch-hole in a mattress.
  • Bed bugs can ingest seven times their own weight in blood, which would be the equivalent of an average-sized male drinking 120 gallons of liquid.
  • Bed bugs are found in all 50 U.S. states.


How do plants and bushes affect termite treatments?


I truly wish everyone who builds or does work on homes would talk to one another. Here is my list of things I would want to talk about, not in any order:

  • Don’t plant anything under the roof dripline, it is impossible to stop roots from heading toward your foundation.
  • Leave the bottom shelf loose when building cabinets in the garage, this way I can see the expansion joint and treat it. Since the bottom shelf just sits there, is there a reason to secure it?
  • Don’t install water drip or irrigation systems to close to the home, have you ever seen the inside foundation wall just corroded and calcified.
  • Bear in mind that anything wood or carboard that sets on the expanion joint in the garage could be attacked by termites and that includes books.
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