All posts in “concrete”

Slab Issues

Slab Issues

Slab Issues

Slab issues can affect the home in many ways, crack and penetrations allow termites access.  This picture is the start of the problems, after the pouring of the concrete. A plumber will disrupt the soil and the termiticide and this of course allows termites into the home. From my point of view I would like the plumber to leave the dirt alone and keep the termiticide in place.


Remove term: Hot Water Tank stand Hot Water Tank stand

Hot Water Tank stand

Hot Water Tank stand

The Hot Water Tank stand or just plain tank is usually in your garage, probably in a corner or maybe just inside your home. Depending on where it is, there could be a stand that it sits on. Sometimes the pipes come up through the slab and termites find there way in. Or there could be a crack where they sneak in. The bad thing about this area is that it is not visible and as in this case. the termites went straight up. They were noticed at the ceiling during an inspection. After doing some investigative work we put a hole in that box stand and found where they were coming up.

The job of inspector is almost a detective case, where do you look and what do you expect to find? Generally speaking Sub termites, go with the grain while Drywood termites cut across the grain. So when subs go up the wood, they hit another 2×4 and go with the grain. Then then attempt to come down and that is why you get notice a tube hanging down from the ceiling.  Our Arizona sub termites tend to do this often and is usually why we get the call about termites. Call ProBest if you signs similar to this 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176.

Termite tube in my carpet?

This picture is a termite tube coming up through the carpet, so termites work 24/7/365 and they won’t stop until they find food. Even if they find food, their search continues to the next food source. So occasionally they will enter through a crack in the concrete, so you need to look against the wall and inside the house. As always you can always call upon the best to look for these little girls. “Call A Pro… Call The Best. ProBest. 480-831-9328

By the way, now is a good time to look for termites in Arizona.

Look for tubes outside on the foundation.

Look for either drop tubes or tubes coming up from the soil or concrete carpet areas.

I see a lot of tubes in garages, so focus on garage along the outer walls.

Termite tube carpet

Termite tube carpet


Active Arizona Termites

Active Arizona Termites

Our Active Arizona Termites like water and there generally isn’t a lot of it for them.  So after it starts raining they get a little more active. So keep a sharp look out for them. Arizona termites are sneaky. They often follow lines such as this metal bracket or they will follow concrete lines and or pipes. So what should you look for?

  1. Wood to ground, this gives termites a free pass into your home.
  2. Excessive moisture, don’t water to near the foundation of the house. Check drip irrigation and only water was is necessary for the plant if possible. In Arizona we often use flood irrigation, so be careful you are not interfering with the termiticide along the foundation of the home.
  3. Don’t store firewood or wood on the ground.
  4. Look for visible signs of termites, mud tubes, tunnels and/or drop tubes and damage.
  5. Garages are a noted area, so keep a watch for termite tubes coming up the foundation or in the expansion joint.
  6. Sometimes  you might see little spots of dirt, check it and if it continues to grow get a pest professional to take a look. Our Arizona termites make some funky little drop tubes, it’s their way of trying to get back to the ground.


Active Arizona Termites  20151209_085004


A sure sign of a Post Tension Slab


Normally I have noticed that they cut the extra cable and fill it in with cement. Post tension slabs, pull the concrete together by cables within the concrete. This helps to keep the concrete tight and prevent the concrete from cracking.

Termites and their search for food


Workers are the main caste in the termite colony for the digestion of cellulose in the food and are the most likely to be found in the infested wood. Workers are out and about 24/7/365 and constantly searching for wood.

One of the key areas in homes in my opinion is the garage, so keep an eye for the the expansion joint. I also recommend not placing wood, boxes or anything cellulose on the expansion joint.

What is under your concrete?


One of the problems with doing termite work is what is under the concrete. The picture above isn’t under concrete but in a block wall holding up a RV gate. The problem that I have run into is cups and trash that were just thrown in before the concrete was poured. Cups are a real problem because they are coated with that waxy material and takes a zillion years to decompose.

A number of years ago I had an issue with a set of steps and finally after taking it apart we noticed trash, wood and cups which prevented the termiticide from reaching the dirt in a uniform way. Love to be Superman, but I can’t see through concrete.


Termite patching errors


This is what happens when patching termites drill holes goes extreme. Patching termite drill holes should be limited to the hole not all the area around the hole. I caught this at a business site the other day and just thought it was amusing and actually sad.



This is on pebble tech flooring, but so easy to just work a little smarter to blend in and only allow concrete to be in the hole not everywhere else.

Hot, Hot and really Hot – did you know this?


This sign was posted on the door to myVeterinarian Office and I thought I had to post this and pass it along. It wasn’t designed for Arizona I’m guessing, cause it should read 115 – don’t even think about walking the dog. The dog would explode into flames. I know not allot of  people think about things before they do it, so please remember the sign – the concrete or asphalt is HOT.


Termites are active now in Arizona


Termites are small, white, tan, or black insects depending on their caste that can cause destruction to wooden structures. I always suggest a termite inspection if you are purchasing a home or at least an inspection every few years just to be safe.


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After determining the infestation a treatment is necessary to keep them out, this is done by generally placing a termiticide into the soil next to or under the foundation. This is better done by a termite professional because it involves drilling and placing the termiticide under slabs of concrete. I often see termite tubes in garages and specifically in the area of the expansion joint (as noted by the first picture).

Call ProBest Pest Management for a inspection today and prevent damage or further damage. 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176

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