All posts in “creepy-crawlies”

What do you look at while hiking?

2014-11-01 13.29.16



2014-11-01 13.29.45




Some of the coolest and most intriguing stuff out in nature is awfully small and I noticed this small little spider while hiking in New Mexico. I don’t kill everything I see when it comes to bugs, only if they get into your home do I take it personally.

My point is this, while in nature or the great outdoors everything has its place. So take a moment and get into nature and call us 480-831-9328 if you find the creepy crawlies in your home.

Movies – my favorite may shock you?

My favorite movies – may shock you?

Movies – There are a few that may surprise you on this list but I think some of you will appreciate some of the weirder ones. Here was my list of  Top 7 homicidal-creepy crawlies movie creatures…  When I was 15 I had the chance to go to Japan for the 13th World Scout Jamboree and on the plane flight I read the book “I am Legend“. It became one of those items that I would read from time to time and then they made a movie of it “I am Legend

My all time favorite is the 1951 version on “The Day the Earth Stood Still” – I did watch the remake but the original was and is still my absolute favorite.

Now I know you’re waiting for my favorite bug movie and it has to be the 1990 Arachnophobia with John Goodman as the bug dude – it stills creeps me out.

Check it out – it is a spider creepy movie…


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