All posts in “damage”

Tree termites

Tree termites

Tree termites or the grass eaters are prevalent in Arizona and can be seen in dry dying grass or on trees. They really are just eating the dead damaged wood not the interior good wood. They are natures cleaner uppers, they redistribute the nutrients back into the soil. Things grow and things die, just like leaves and then back into the soil to help another tree live on.

What we don’t realize is that we build right on top of their homes. We expect them to leave us allow and they are just doing what they were born to do. They work 24/7/365 and it doesn’t matter if its your house or not. If it isn’t protected then it’s your turn. No if but when they decide it’s time. So keep a watch and call ProBest Pest Management if you see dirt tubes or tunnels 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176

Termite weird tubes

Termite weird tubes

Termite weird tubes and how I’m constantly amazed by their handiwork. I’ve seen drop tubes down from the ceiling at least 5 foot. I’ve also seen dead grass castles that are almost artwork. While termites are considered destructive, sometimes they are creative in their overall job out in nature. In nature they start to decompose wood and return nutrients to the soil. The never ending grow and die and return to the earth.


  1. Tubes on foundation slab wall.
  2. Drop tubes.
  3. Small little holes with soil or dirt growing over time.
  4. Baseboard looks like its crumbling from inside to outside.
  5. When in doubt call ProBest 480-831-9328.
Amera Pest Control Former Customers

Amera Pest Control Former Customers

ProBest Pest Management #8411 will provide 1-year FREE Termite Treatment Warranty. *25 a year thereafter for remainder of Amera’s warranty*

*Applies only to warranties invalidated due to sale of Amera.

Call 623-414-0176 or 480-831-9328

Kitchen tubes

Kitchen tubes termites

Kitchen tubes and termites, always a freaky thing to discover. This was of course unusual and of course there was a shower bathtub on the other side. This makes it difficult to treat, almost making it impossible to get to the bath-trap. Maybe the possibility of angle drilling, but whoa pipes in the way.

Checking your home monthly for signs of termite tubes is helpful in determining an active infestation. Check for signs outside at the foundation and check inside for any signs of soil/dirt tubes and stains. In Arizona termites become more active after monsoon and the rains. This year we have had a lot of rain, so keep an eye out for signs.


Grass eating termites

Grass and termites

Grass, termites and what they may eat. Here is Arizona we have a grass eating termite. Typically they eat desert cellulose cleaning up the desert. In the picture they are just eating the old dead tree bark. Sometimes you will see them building little castles in the yard. They usually don’t do any harm but it does freak out some people and from time to time we can treat around trees to stop them from doing any perceived damage.

You will occasionally see them in areas that are dry and they will build little tunnels over the lawn. This buildup looks like little castles and often look kind of unique in the yard or litter areas. They will buildup over leaves, small pieces of wood or twigs, manure, cactus and plant structures. They also are known as agricultural termites.


Old wood

Old wood

Old wood or really just any wood can be an issue for termites and other wood boring insects. Termites can be the bane of every homeowner unless they are savvy to their ways. That is why I believe most homes especially those in the South maintain a termite guarantee against these pests. They are extremely small but can be fierce, 24/7/365 in their work schedule. At the very least if you live in the South get a Pest Management Professional to look at your property every few years or more. You’ve spent a lot of money on that home, protect it and give yourself peace of mind.

Monsoons have given us the rain and now the termites will be working harder than ever in search of food. Will that be your HOME?

Termite video

Termite video

Termites are small and white, and are termed social insects like ants. Colonies have males and females in the colony at all times. In Africa and Australia mounds are often built and can be 20 or more feet high. In nature termite take wood, break it down and redistribute back into the ground. Termites look for wood/food 24/7/365, constantly looking for a food source. Here is the Southwest or Arizona a termite infestation is not a cause for immediate panic. The infestation needs attention, but due I think to the lack of water the damage isn’t going to happen overnight. So you have some time, contact a Pest Management Professional like ProBest Pest Management 480-831-9328 to discuss options. So as I said it takes time, compare options – use Termidor and look at the reputation and reviews of the company.


Termite video

Stain termite tube

Stain from a termite tube

The stain stays after wiping it away, you must use soap and water and scrub. I often hear from customers that they found a small hole with what looks like dirt and that is exactly what a termite tube looks like. See the picture, there is a hole with a termite tube or old remnants. The tube was wiped away and all you have now is the stain. After treatment we usually remove the tube and any leftover marks if possible plus in this case the customer is going to paint. This is critical to the sale of a  home, if you don’t get rid of the evidence the next Termite Inspection will note this and require an additional treatment. I also suggest repainting the floor or the foundation to make the holes blend in better, not to hide but make it more pleasing to the sight.

Call ProBest Pest Management today 480-831-9328



Termites build tubes.

Termites build tubes

Termites tube on block wall.

Termites tube on block wall.

Termites build these tubes for several reasons, to protect them from air and sunlight and to protect them predators. They go in search for wood and when they find it they let the others know where the food is. They work 24/7/365 and even in the case above they might think they are heading for wood, they won’t find any here so eventually they will give up and move along.

They are small about 1/4 inch but it’s their numbers that make the difference, here in Arizona probably between 100,000 and 250,000 all working towards the goal of feeding everyone.

So keep a look out and if you see anything like this please give ProBest Pest Management a call at 480-831-9328

Dryer Lint

Dryer lint may cause fires

Your West Valley newspaper recently did an article on a recent home fire resulting from a dryer lint and  dryer vent and the damage caused by it “Peoria Fire – Medical responds to dryer fire, reminds people to clean vents”.


More than 15,000 fires are caused by that buildup of lint in those vents yearly, and ProBest Pest management has a air system device to clean those vents. This procedure is simple, we insert a device into the hose area of the dryer vent and the air forces the lint back at us cleaning the hose system. We also recommend installing a metal hose versus the old plastic type you may have. A simple clean out can take care of years of lint and crud build-up. I cleaned mine, it hadn’t been cleaned since I bought the house in 2003 and probably not cleaned since it was built in 1987. It was time and I got almost a full 5 gallon bucket of lint from that build-up.

Dryer lint cleaning vents

Dryer lint cleaning vents

So call ProBest Pest Management today to get your dryer vent cleaned 480-831-9328

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