All posts in “feral cats”




Alleyways, side streets all pose a risk of trash buildup, which allows all kinds of scavengers a chance to feed. Birds, opossums, raccoons, rodents and feral animals will somehow always find a way to get the food. Pests including cockroaches, flies, earwigs and ants will find the food and carry it away. All in all its better to keep the areas clean, but we know our neighbors, right? We also know that all of these pest pose a significant threat to the Public Health, they carry disease and other pathogens. These  pathogens can cause stomach issues and affect us in many ways. Don’t get me started on flies, yuuuuuck. One minute in the garbage the next on your steak – throwing up and licking it up. Did I mention yuuuuuuuck. Even in the winter here, those bins can be nasty.

So what can we do?

  • Keep those areas clean, clean them frequently. Even if your not in an alleyway, keep it clean.
  • Keep the garbage lids down.
  • Recycle what you can, food can go into earth type recyclable bins and later into gardens.
  • I suggest bagging it, they have recyclable bags as well.
  • There are products like fly bags (they smell but if in alleyway its better) there are baits and things you can use near the trash sites.
  • Remember that fly can be in your house super fast, while it might take a few hours for the roach to make it there.

Feral Cats


I try not to do this service and for good reason, it hardly ever ends well for anyone. Somebody always takes extreme exception to my performance of the issue. So here is the recommended service protocol – trap the animal, take it to a shelter have it spayed and/or neutered  and then return it to the original location.This procedure cost lots of money in labor and the service for the shelter isn’t free, see the services listed below.

Thev reason to spay/neuter and release the animals back to the original location, prevents another cat family talking over the area. Here is an original story on feral cats by ProBest from 2009.


My hats off to PetSmart Charities for there continued work with pets and for this infographic, click the link to give them a hand in this work. The problem isn’t the cats and dogs, its us as a society – don’t abandon pets and have yours spay/neutered, or maybe even a donation to PetSmart.

Eagle Scout project wages war against Ticks…

Eagle Scout candidate Matt Aranow with a “tick tube.”

Courtesy By Eleanor Burke/Special to the Town Crier GateHouse News Service Posted Mar 21, 2012 @ 01:08 PM

Eagle Scout candidate and Lincoln-Sudbury High School senior Matt Aranow is on the warpath against Lyme disease in his hometown of Lincoln. This spring he will launch an educational blitz in town, and with the help of his troop, disperse some 600 “tick tubes” in the brushy areas near the town’s playing fields and at Drumlin Farm Audubon Center.

“The tick tubes are supposed to control the numbers of baby ticks in the spring,” explains Matt. “You soak cotton balls in an insecticide, put them inside a cardboard toilet paper core, lay a bunch of them in mouse habitat areas, and the mice take the cotton balls to make their nests. The tick larvae die when they contact the treated cotton.”

Black-legged ticks, often called “deer ticks,” transmit Lyme disease, but white-footed mice and chipmunks–not deer–are the most common source of the bacterial spirochete that causes the disease. As large exurban home lots encroach on and fragment forests, people visit the borderlands where backyards meet woods, prime habitat for the rodents that host the tiny tick larvae when they first hatch from eggs in spring. This first meal helps them survive to the next year when, as nymphs in the spring or as adults in the fall, they find and infect their second and third hosts—often larger mammals such as humans or their pets.

Lincoln’s geography typifies a perfect incubator for the rapid upsurge of Lyme disease seen in Massachusetts and the northeastern U.S. over the last decade. Suburban incursion into previously wooded areas is a major factor in the quadrupling of Lyme incidence in Massachusetts, from1158 to 4019 cases per 100,000 people between 2000 and 2009, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Read the rest of the story on Matt Aranow.

Thanks to the following Copyright 2012 The Sudbury Town Crier. Some rights reserved

Trivia question – I’ll send to who ever guesses correctly ($25 gift certificate) what my Eagle Scout Project was! Comment below…………

Pets versus Pests…

     Pets versus Pests…

I think I speak for many of us with our fondness of our pets, Americans love their pets and cats have recently overtaken dogs in popularity. I have two dogs Lilly my Beagle and Gracie my Beagle Corgie mix (I think).

What kind of pests can attack our pets? Fleas, ticks are just a few, so what can we do to protect our beloved pets? Many people use those products that are put onto the pets, the pests bite and die from the pesticide. I prefer the ones with an IGR or Insect Growth Regulator which inhibits the growth of the flea or tick.

 Remember that on any trips to the desert or even to the dog park, your pets can pick up ticks or fleas. The other way the pests may get at your pets is from traveling critters such as squirrels, raccoons or skunks or maybe feral cats getting into your yards.

Feeding Pigeons, Feral Cats.

Feeding Pigeons and Feral Cats.

Often times we as humans don’t easily recognize how we influence conditions around our homes and businesses. We feed the wildlife and they in fact may suffer from our lack of knowledge or in thinking that we know better than everyone else.  Quick story – chipmunks or squirrels at a famous attraction, someone feeds the squirrels get bitten and now it’s the squirrels fault. they had to take away the wildlife because someone was feeding thew wildlife. Same story as Yellowstone National Park, a parent holds a child up over the head of a wild bison. You never know when that bison will decide he doesn’t like you and who suffers then – the child.

Feral Cats and the threat to wildlife…

Feeding Pigeons, Feral Cats

Feeding Pigeons, Feral Cats

Dog bites………….

Dog bites………….

 800,000 dog bites every year approximately – require medical attention in the United States.

I recently heard that cats now outnumber dogs as the pet of choice here in the U.S. and I guess you don’t normally hear about cat bites but they do scratch so be careful. Maricopa County has also issued a concern about the over population of cats. Check out the Maricopa County Animal Control page for more information. While on on this subject Pit Bulls get a bad rap, I’ve had more issues with little dogs. Sometimes I think they think they are big dogs especially defending something. I have witnessed a handshake turn into a snarling dog who maybe became jealous of all that action.

dog bites

dog bites  OK not this dog, she wouldn’t hurt a fly

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