All posts in “fly”

Confused Bat

Confused Bat

Confused Bat


Bats are generally seen at dusk or at night, this little one is a confused bat. Probably just got lost or confused on the way back home. Notice it is in the shade and not exposed to the sun. Even this time of year it is out outside. A word of caution never mess with a bat, period. They can carry rabies and you don’t need the aggravation of the shots and possibly death. So train the youngsters not to mess with anything they don’t know.

Did you know?

There are over 1100 bat species.

A single bat can eat more than 600 bugs per hour, I can’t eliminate that many.

Bats are the only mammals that can actually fly.

There is a bat which weighs less than 2 pennies and can eat 3000 bugs a night.

Most bats sleep, rest, mate and give birth upside down.

All bats fly but not all birds.


ProBest can exclude bats and give opinions on keeping them out, call us today 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176



Pesticides are a tool of the IPM or Integrated Pest Management. It is important to understand and implement the correct usage of any chemical used. I recently attended a workshop where this subject was addressed especially with the idea of IPM or Integrated Pest Management. Always a great idea to rehash the options you have when using them. I have always believed that IPM works and should be the basis of any pest treatment. I also wish to address the belief of some that IPM means no pesticides, that is incorrect it simply means that you use the other tools first and if you must use them you do so in a manner that is minimally evasive to the structure.

Pesticides     Pesticides

Thank you to Dr. Michael R. Wierda for supplying this information, info to talk with him included with the sheets.


Facts just the facts

Facts: remember the show – “Just the Facts please just the facts.

A few Facts.

  1. All scorpions are venomous but only about 25 species are known to have venom capable of killing a human being. We only have one in Arizona that is a concern however there have been no deaths attributable is some time.
  2. Termites were once classified in a separate order from cockroaches, but recent phylogenetic studies indicate that they evolved from close ancestors of cockroaches during the Jurassic or Triassic.
  3. New reproductive termites are winged, and able to fly. This is the time when most people think they are ants, but unlike ants they have straight antenna and no pinched waist.
  4. Scorpions are known to be one of the oldest animals on earth, 430 million years ago and emerged from the Oceans.
  5. Arachnophobia is the fear of Spiders. It is one of the most common fears in the world. It probably affects about 10% of men and 50% of women.
  6. Houseflies existed 65 million years ago! I hate flies!
  7. In Arizona we have wind scorpions or the Arizona sun spider, these eight-legged creatures aren’t technically spiders at all.
  8. Boxelder bugs can congregate on buildings and home, they are a real threat except to some plants and the best measure to keeping them out is home seal and vacuum when they do get inside.
  9. Did you know that the Arizona State Bug is the Two-tailed Swallowtail Butterfly?


Pests hanging out?

Where do pests hang out?

Are there pests  hanging out on a tree nearby your home, this moth is home is warm climates. Caterpillars are known as horn worms and the adults may resemble hummingbirds due to their size. Can be found throughout the south as far as Argentina. The adults frequent deep-throated flowers, similar to that which hummingbirds visit. This moth really isn’t a pest but if you have trees touching your home you might be inviting them into your home. What is that tree housed an any colony, they would travel up a limb and right into your home and you might not know where they are coming from. What about Roof rats, another bridge right into your home. Ohhh and don’t get me started on vines on your home, you know what I would say, right?  What about those flies, yuuuuck!

There are good bugs.

Often times we just see a bug and we are prepared to exterminate it. This shouldn’t be our first thought, there are many bugs that aren’t pests. Butterflies and moths pollinate several different species of plants and flowers. Ladybugs eat a ton of aphids and spiders keep down those occasional invaders like crickets and earwigs. Hoping that in the future we can just pick a DNA strand and pick off whatever bug is eating our food or coming at our homes and businesses. This would allow the beneficial bugs that chance to continue to do what they do, protect and eat all those nasty bugs. The technology might be just around the corner, no harm to beneficials and only those that are a menace. Can you imagine a farmer having a plan to just take out the harmful bugs and leaving behind the good bugs. I’m sure the Praying Mantids, ladybugs and spiders will thank us later.

pests Rustic Sphinx moth

pests Rustic Sphinx moth



What are my 2 toughest pest complaints?

I probably get more calls about these two things than anything else and to make matters more exasperating not much can be done.


#1 – Honeybees coming to your pool or other water feature to drink. This is tough, because in the big picture we probably don’t have a clue where they are coming from. Now the good news, generally speaking the bees are not in defensive mode. What do I mean by that statement? When bees swarm or are out looking for water or flowers they are not defending their hive and won’t be as aggressive as if they were defending their home. A lone bee out looking for food is just looking for food, while the bees at their home are on guard against possible intruders. They have bees that are just guard bees and just like we would defend our homes they are pre-wired to be on guard against intruders. With the extreme HEAT here in Arizona they need water just as much as we do. So please don’t panic, just try to avoid them if possible. Now it may be difficult especially if they are near your pool or water feature, one thing you might try is placing a dish in shaded area with a few rocks to keep them from drowning. Refresh the water frequently and maybe they might move.


#2 – Mosquitoes are almost impossible to control once they become adults. The prime time to get them is when they are wigglers or in their larval stage within the water. Some mosquitoes will fly over a mile to get to their food = you or your pet. Check your property for stagnant water, any amount can raise a family of mosquitoes. One area often overlooked is the catch basin for potted plants. I have a back door that opens in and I’m constantly getting flying insects that get sucked in when I open that door. I use the device below once a flying insect makes it into my home. I highly recommend it, after just a few days the glue board has a variety of flying insects. By the way this also fits into my IPM program. We do sell them at my office – ProBest Pest Management 480-831-9328.


Large mosquito or Crane Fly?


One of the calls I get this time of year concerns this little fellow above, the Crane Fly. It looks like a mosquito on steroids and are in the same Order Diptera (= two wings) as mosquitoes. Crane Flies are found throughout the world, in Arizona generally right after the Spring rains we see them and then all of a sudden they are gone (usually living only 10 – 15 days). The larvae are found near water and eat organic materials and become food for fish and other small insects.

Just after emerging from her pupa case she seeks out a male, mates and lays eggs in moist soil. So hang in there they won’t be around long. Oh I almost forgot they don’t bite so no worries.




Are bats using their friends to search for food?

Bats eavesdrop on each other to find foods

I have to be honest I think bats are cool, I was out on a trip into the desert many years ago. We were actually on a trip to find some tarantula’s and scorpions and the bats were enjoying the early evening hours. There were many bats and I noticed a lot of flying insects we even threw up a shoe to see if they would go after it and they did. (No bats were harmed with the shoe throw)

So just because something looks creepy doesn’t mean that it is. Don’t harm animals, wildlife or snakes. Call a Pest Management Professional to help remove it and relocate it if possible.



What do you want to know by ProBest Pest Management!


What is up with flies and dead things?

  • The life cycle of flies play an important role in the decomposition of dead bodies and in nature this is how dead animals etc are turned back into soil and nutrients.
  • It’s not just flies but beetles and other bugs help to turn flesh into soil nutrients.
  • Blow flies are most often associated with dead things.
  • Blow flies can find dead flesh within minutes.
  • A fly maggot mass can reduce the body weight of a dead animal by 50% in a few weeks.
  • The study of this is called Forensic Entomology and concerns the time and manner of death.
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