All posts in “flying rats”

Flying Rats

Flying Rats,

So this netting is there to stop the pigeons from landing, and obviously it isn’t working. Birds don’t like landing on things they cannot see. With the netting in place the birds should refrain from landing and the load of the roof with feces should be minimized. Over years the buildup of feces can add considerable weight to the structure and possibly cause the collapse.

What can be done?

  1. Readjust the netting, create higher peaks.
  2. Possibly add deterrents like mechanical owls or flashing devices.
  3. Birds are adaptable so you must think and be proactive.

If this is a house with birds or pigeons, you must stop them from nesting. Use hardware cloth NOT chicken wire. Think like the birds. Call a Pest Management Professional such as ProBest Pest Management 480-831-9328

Flying Rats

The Birds

The Birds

I really hate the mess these birds make, they poop and we track it in. A lot of animals create havoc in our lives including rodents and pigeons. They can build nest within our homes and after we get rid of them we may have secondary issues with parasites and other potential critters. I also hate the idea of them spreading the germs and bacteria into our lives, but I guess they were probably here first.

What options do you have?

  • Bird spikes (I prefer the wire ones)
  • Bird shock tracks
  • Hardware cloth
  • Deterrents like flag and mylar
  • Hotfoot

Don’t use chicken wire or rocks to deter them. Chicken wire looks bad and they will go around the stones or bricks.


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