All posts in “foundation”

Slab Issues

Slab Issues

Slab Issues

Slab issues can affect the home in many ways, crack and penetrations allow termites access.  This picture is the start of the problems, after the pouring of the concrete. A plumber will disrupt the soil and the termiticide and this of course allows termites into the home. From my point of view I would like the plumber to leave the dirt alone and keep the termiticide in place.


Water run off

Water run off

Water run off

Generally speaking water run off is not a good thing especially when it involves pesticides. But this is an excellent procedure to stop water run off in the termiticide barrier of your home. The more water that goes through the barrier reduces the effectiveness of the termiticide. So really anything you can do to stop the water is a great idea. I thought this was a great idea, flexible tubing (inexpensive and won’t technically get in your way).

Most of us have a few pipes that condensate – so this quick fix shouldn’t take much time to implement. The cost is right up there with next to nothing and I think almost anyone could do this. You could almost redirect the water to plants or flowers and hey look everyone benefits.

Add this to my new list of things to do to prevent termites and other bugs from getting into your home.


Concrete walls

Concrete walls

Concrete walls


Concrete walls, can be a termite walkway right into the house. Termites are amazing and they can show up in places I can only imagine. How they find holes in concrete and then pop up is just a amazing fact of these little girls? We service a set of building at Frank Lloyd Wright and the walls are made of Coquina rock and there are spaces throughout. The termites are very crafty and they will find any crack in the rock or concrete. Typically when homes are built these days, there is a gap as to where the stucco is so that helps a lot. Not so long ago the stucco went right into the dirt and you might not see the termites until they were in the house. So what do you look for with termites or even water damage:

  1. Mud tubes.
  2. Any signs of baseboard cracking, it looks like your fingers are bunched together.
  3. Signs of tunes hanging down from ceiling or mud tubes on the wall.
  4. Any wood damage – check for the presence of mud/dirt = sure sign of termites.
  5. In Arizona we have grass eating termites.
  6. Sheds should be on concrete or raised and sometimes that isn’t enough. So check those out buildings as well.
  7. And if there is any questions – call ProBest 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176

If you have pictures you can send them to us, just call and we will give you the number. or send them to [email protected]

Thank you for your business past and future.

Remove term: Hot Water Tank stand Hot Water Tank stand

Hot Water Tank stand

Hot Water Tank stand

The Hot Water Tank stand or just plain tank is usually in your garage, probably in a corner or maybe just inside your home. Depending on where it is, there could be a stand that it sits on. Sometimes the pipes come up through the slab and termites find there way in. Or there could be a crack where they sneak in. The bad thing about this area is that it is not visible and as in this case. the termites went straight up. They were noticed at the ceiling during an inspection. After doing some investigative work we put a hole in that box stand and found where they were coming up.

The job of inspector is almost a detective case, where do you look and what do you expect to find? Generally speaking Sub termites, go with the grain while Drywood termites cut across the grain. So when subs go up the wood, they hit another 2×4 and go with the grain. Then then attempt to come down and that is why you get notice a tube hanging down from the ceiling.  Our Arizona sub termites tend to do this often and is usually why we get the call about termites. Call ProBest if you signs similar to this 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176.

Cricket Poo

Cricket Poo can be mistaken for termite activity. Cricket mess under a hand lens appear to have sharp jagged edges. Often black in color while termites use soil and water which when mixed in their poo, used to build tunnels and tubes. I see this kind of activity inside garages on the foundation step up and along foundations outside homes. Termites construct their tunnels over surfaces such as slabs and drywall or 2x4s in homes.

People mistake lots of things as termites, I get calls on Mud dauber soil nest, They build these almost ball looking things which they then pack with incapacitated spiders and then lay their eggs inside. When the egg hatches the little baby larva eats the paralyzed spiders. Termites build little tunnels or tubes about the size of pencils and the little girls make their way throughout these tubes to contain moisture. The arch enemies of termites are ants and they fight if they interact. But you really don’t need either of these two on your property.

If you run into something and you don’t know what it is, call us 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176 or send us a picture at [email protected]

Water diverter

One of the home improvements you can do to your house is to add Water diverter to any pvc running from ac units. This diverter takes water away from the treated zone and allows the termiticide to stay where it is put. One of the keys to termite work is putting the termiticide to the place where the termites will go through it. If water is constatly running through it, it will over time diminish the effectiveness.

This device isn’t in the best of places, but is able to divert some water away. The sidewalk somewhat blocks the pipe from extending far enough away. But this device can help and does.

So here is my theory on longevity of termiticides in Arizona. Under concrete I believe Termidor can last up to 15 years and if it is on the outside of home I cut that rate in half to 5 -7 years. Now anything can cause this to break sooner, something under the slab such as rocks, paper or anything left over from construction.

Shower Pan

The Shower pan is technically that device which keeps the water from going everywhere. The bathtrap area is the area in the picture with the pipes letting the water go to the plumbing and out of the house.

Now visualize the termite people coming out to spray under the slab before its poured. That show box size area is higher with dirt and when the plumbers come in to finish they take away dirt. They also take away any trace of liquid termiticide and therefore = termites.

See the termite tube in the right side of the hole, that is how all the damage occurred. Inspect, investigate and then solve the problem. In this case impossible to see the shower pan so a surprise happens. Call ProBest for an inspection today 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176

Carpet & termites

You return home from vacation and there it is Carpet & termites. Now what do you do, call ProBest Pest Management of course 480-831-9328. This is a result of a crack in the foundation and the termites found their way into the home and through the carpet.

Easy fix for a termite company, take up the carpet and treat the crack in the slab. Termiticide does fail and once that crack begins to expand it moves the barrier treatment. So don’t just look around the foundation edge of the house or the ceiling, if you spot something like this connect immediately so we can assess the root cause.

If you ever decide to take up carpet and replace with tile or wood and you find cracks in the slab, call us. It is easier to fix the problem before the time is in place, never looks the same.

Foundation termite tube

Foundation termite tube on the house can be the surest signs of termites. I can spot those things from the road while driving (safely). So besides this obvious sign what else do you look for:

Baseboard – I hold up my first 3 fingers like the Boy Scout sign, now mush them together. The wood being eaten from the inside buckles, after the termites are gone the wood will dry out and actually get worse. Yes it’s time to replace baseboard. If you find damage here check outside as there is probably a Foundation termite tube.

Down tubes – can appear anywhere and drop from any ceiling. Typically on a one story house – the ceiling. 2 story home again usually the ceiling first floor, why you ask. When Subterranean termites hit the ceiling wood beams there is generally a header and they follow the grain of the wood. Usually I find termites on the 1st floor ceiling rather the 2nd floor ceiling.

Corner checks for termites

Foundation corner may contain surprises

Corner and indents may hide termite activity and the jtrim may also have huge openings. It is important to check your slab and house at least monthly for unwanted pests activity. This may help to avert any potential long lasting problems. If you don’t check often you might allow a bee colony to take over. That can bee a sticky problem down the road.

I find that most people stack stuff against garage walls and this allows a termite issue to go on a very long time. For some reason I think the garage is the most overlooked and usually the last to be treated by termite companies. Don’t place wood or cellulose items on the garage expansion joint. I’ve found books, posters and antiques full of termite activity and ruined forever.


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