All posts in “fountain”

Fountains and bees

Water Fountains and bees

Anytime we think we are safe in the water, wait that was the Shark headline. Honeybees need water just like us and they will take it from anywhere they can find it. Water fountains aren’t the perfect place and neither are swimming pools. Swimming pools can be a sting of a place if you surface and the bee tags along she may decide to sting you and ouch.

This circumstance is difficult to adjust, the bees don’t want to move and generally speaking they won’t. I have tried placing a water dish with stones so they can get a drink, gradually moving it away from the other source.


fountains     fountains

What do you think about all this rain in Arizona?

To be completely honest I love rain and you’re probably not going to like my reason for it. The rain brings out the bugs and I LOVE it, the termites become more active and bugs in general just love the water opportunities.

So with all this water, what can you do to prevent the inevitable onslaught of the bugs.

  1. Don’t allow stagnant water to gather on your property. This means any amount, I’ve seen mosquito wigglers in a glass bottle on the side of the road.
  2. Don’t allow wood to touch the ground and especially near the house. This includes firewood stacked against the home.
  3. If you notice puddling, fill it in and that also warrants a check on potted plants – they can collect water as well.
  4. If you have a fountain, as long as it is operating it is OK but when it doesn’t work the water can then become stagnant.
  5. Check your foundation slab for termite activity.
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