All posts in “mammal”

Confused Bat

Confused Bat

Confused Bat


Bats are generally seen at dusk or at night, this little one is a confused bat. Probably just got lost or confused on the way back home. Notice it is in the shade and not exposed to the sun. Even this time of year it is out outside. A word of caution never mess with a bat, period. They can carry rabies and you don’t need the aggravation of the shots and possibly death. So train the youngsters not to mess with anything they don’t know.

Did you know?

There are over 1100 bat species.

A single bat can eat more than 600 bugs per hour, I can’t eliminate that many.

Bats are the only mammals that can actually fly.

There is a bat which weighs less than 2 pennies and can eat 3000 bugs a night.

Most bats sleep, rest, mate and give birth upside down.

All bats fly but not all birds.


ProBest can exclude bats and give opinions on keeping them out, call us today 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176

Beep beep – Roadrunner

Beep beep where is the Coyote?

So we all know as kids that the Roadrunner would always outwit the Coyote. I often just once hoped that the Coyote would catch the Roadrunner. I also still think Acme tools are the perfect tool for catching those unwanted pests/animals. Have you ever tried an anvil on an pest/animal? You know who would be on my case, right? My favorite was the train, where he painted the hole in the side of a mountain.

We also knew that all this was just a show, we figured out fast that the poor coyote would be back. I still felt sorry for the poor guy. How about you?

Beep beep

What do you want to know by ProBest Pest Management!


Bats are great and need your love. Here are a few facts & tips:

  1. Babies are born furless.
  2. Only mammal to fly.
  3. Bats eat lots of bugs, disperse seeds and pollinate plants.
  4. They can eat their body weight in bugs each night, that would be like us eating 80 pizzas.

What can you do to prevent them from making your home theirs and to encourage them at your home.

  1. Exclusion work must be done out of season and at night.
  2. Install a bat house around your home Bat Conservation International.

Never pick up a bat, they do bite!

What do you want to know by ProBest Pest Management!


Antarctica is the only continent without any reptiles or snakes.

A pound of grasshoppers is three times as nutritious as a pound of beef.

Anteaters prefer termites to ants.

A bat is the only mammal that flies.

Out of every 1,000 Mosquitoes, one female carries a disease that could be fatal to humans.


So what’s on your mind?

So what’s on your mind?

So I was thinking the other day that we should discuss a few Arizona Department of Agriculture – Office of Pest Management terms:

“Pest” means a vertebrate or invertebrate insect, bird, mammal, organism, or a weed or plant pathogen that is in an undesirable location. I bet you really didn’t think a weed was a pest, did you? I’m sure we have called a few people we might know – “a pest”? I’m equally convinced that all politicians are pests, the necessary evil.

“Pesticide,” as defined in A.R.S. § 32-2301, includes an insecticide, fungicide, rodenticide, termiticide, fumigant, larvacide, adulticide, herbicide, avicide, or molluscicide.

So just a few terms to get you thinking what pest control or pest management is all about.

When is a PEST a Pest?

When is a PEST a Pest?

The Arizona Office of Pest Management defines as “Pest” means a vertebrate or invertebrate insect, bird, mammal, organism, or a weed or plant pathogen that is in an undesirable location.

So what does that mean, let’s say you have Bahia Grass growing in your driveway and that it doesn’t belong there or you don’t want it there = pest. Or you have roof rats in your attic, obviously you don’t want them there = pest.

It really isn’t the fault of the weed or bug, it is just doing what its supposed to do. Live and breed, I know as long as it doesn’t happend in your home. So keep up with the pest, keep the weeds down and home seal to prevent the pest or wildlife from getting into your home.

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