All posts in “pack”

Rodent Control

Rodent Control

Rodent Control


Rant Alert – Rodent Control – Rant Alert. If you have rodents, seen rodents or seen evidence from rodents, they will not go away on their on. If someone gets rid of some, others will move in, trust me on this. I have customers that use our bait stations for a few months and then say we are good. NOT THE WAY IT WORKS. A community will have an average amount of rodents, killing a few might slow the program but they will reproduce again and the same issues will reappear.

  • If you see one, there are more.
  • If there is one inside – don’t panic – call a ProFessional.
  • I don’t use bait inside, use traps then you know when you have caught one.
  • Bait is great outside, check the picture. You know you have issues because the bait is rounded off.
  • You can also gage the pressure if there is activity on all 4 bait.
  • If there is activity don’t exclude them inside. A trapped rodent could turn nasty and vicious. Once exterminated, then exclude.
  • If you snap traps, place away from pets.

Search the blog for related articles on rodents, rats etc. Call us for detail on our Rodent Control Specials. 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176

Jumping cholla cactus

Jumping Cholla cactus

Jumping Cholla – If you live anywhere in the desert you know about these cactus. They will attack if you get close. OK they won’t attack but it seems like it. Its like they are magnetic. But a question was asked recently why don’t rodents or coyote’s ever have them attached? Or better yet why not Pack Rats? It’s called behavior modification, they learn and they learn quickly. It’s amazing cause almost every time I’m in the desert I get a few. I kneel to check a rodent station and get one in my knee or there might be bits and parts inside the bait station. Sometimes I even get them in my shoes, right through the soles and you think its a rock but surprise a needle shooting pain.

The dangers of the desert

So a word of caution, there are many things in the desert that can do you harm, rattlesnakes, Africanized Honeybees, rocks and cacti – so use extreme care.  I seem to find almost all of these dangers as I’m doing my work. Stay tuned for a resent find in a rodent bait station.

I have seen Pack rat middens or dens full of this stuff, how do they do it – I have no idea. I was training a technician once and mentioned to be careful, I had no sooner turned around and he had them from toe to waist on his right leg pants. Painful and barbed, did I say ouuuuuch? But yet the animals seem to be impervious or maybe it’s just that they are smarter. You decide!

jumping chollajumping cholla


Danger – rat bait

Danger – rat bait off site

Danger – rat bait off site – to any child, and/or pet, off site transfer of rodent bait. I’m not sure if this is a consumer or what is going on, as most bait must now be contained and I’m not sure I’ve ever seen soft bait in those containers. But what happens when a child or pet gets into this bait? I was never a big fan of those throw packets, because people would throw them almost anywhere. I’ve seen packets being moved by rodents to an outside vent, dropping into yards where anyone could get at it. Also we need to be aware of what pests it is, is it a Pocket Gopher, Pack Rat or ????

I see tin cats used to capture mice – not rats because they are not big enough, I also see mice stations used for rats. So the first step must be identification and then what works the best to eradicate or better yet prevention. The IPM plan of attack – where are the rodents coming from and why are they in your yard. As always consider SAFETY first, this is a dangerous step to take to get rid of mice.

Always Read and Follow all label and Use Directions – This is the Law. Failure could put people and pet lives in jeopardy. As always we are concerned about the possible movement of bait from a container, this could pose extreme concerns for wildlife, communities etc.

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