All posts in “planters”

Weeds everywhere

Weeds everywhere

Weeds everywhere, this is the time of year early spring and again in the fall. Weed seeds are pushed around by the wind and deposit on lawns everywhere. I’m amazed at the amount of weeds that pop up on my lawn. The trick is to have it sprayed twice a year spring and fall. We use a post emergent (kills the actual plants) and a pre emergent (kills the seeds as they begin to grow). Now its really is important to water the preemergent into or pass the stones. The herbicide needs to get to the soil where the seeds are their transformation into a plant.

I think we all think of Dandelions as a weed, but you can eat some part of the plants and make wine out of the flowers.

Spurge is an obnoxious weeds, similar to puncturevine.

Russian Thistle is a weird type of plant, it has stickers and if you see old west shows its the tumbleweed. The City of Chandler puts up a tumbleweed Christmas tree each year downtown.


There are numerous types and yearly cycles of weed activity. Knowing when they germinate and how they reproduce is helpful of getting rid of them. For example Russian Thistle seeds fall of as they tumble, that is their main way to replicate. So its really important.

Funky Caterpillar

Funky Caterpillar artwork

Funky Caterpillar and metal artwork is the new normal for outside decorations, I love some of the new stuff including this Caterpillar. Nice planter and decorative at the same time. Adds a little color to the home and you don’t have to have any real bugs. You know you can always call ProBest Pest Management 480-831-9328 if you see any critters within your home?

I don’t mind these decorations but no sense in living with the bugs. I have seen decorative rock, wire ants and even birds and flowers. What kind of artwork is at your home?

Funky Caterpillar

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