The other day I rounded the entrance to my cul-de-sac and two coyotes ran out in front of my truck. This isn’t the first time that I’ve seen a coyote but is does concern me about the pets in the neighborhood. I live in the City of Phoenix, not in a rural section but a established community that has been there since the 1980’s. So why would there be coyotes in this section of the city? Coyotes thrive just about everywhere in the U.S., I think because it adapts and will eat almost anything.
Coyotes are most active at night and early morning, when there is little interaction with humans they may hunt throughout the day. I think they look cool and are similar in general appearance to a dog such as a collie. But remember they are wildlife not pets, do not feed them it will only cause more issues.
marya (emdot) from San Luis Obispo, USA
So what can you do to prevent them from frequenting your home or backyard, I’ve seen them jump gates over 6 foot high? Installing higher fencing can help but adding this may not serve to prevent that ambitious or mischievous one from getting in. If you live on a farm or acreage with animals, you may have to get serious and install electric fencing or change the property. There are also noise machines, lighting and the use of a good size dog may be enough to scare them off.