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My favorite books…

My favorite books…

I enjoy history and geography, so my tastes lean to this genre…

The American Plague” by Molly Caldwell Crosby – Yellow Fever the epidemic that shaped our history

Another favorite is “The Jungle” mainly due to history about the meatpacking industry and it lead to the FDA (thank goodness). Have you ever noticed bugs in your cereal?

I also enjoy reading John Grisham, Dan Brown and Clive Cussler.

Javelina or Groundhog Day!

Javelina or Groundhog Day

Javelina is about as close as we get to Groundhogs. Groundhog Day owes its true origins to the ancient Greeks, who believed that an animal’s shadow was its soul, blackened by the past year’s sins. While the animal hibernates, its soul is cleansed by nature, and if it wakes up before winter is over, it will see the dirty shadow and be horrified and then return to its den for more purification.

Groundhog Day in 2012 is on Thursday, February 2

Update – Update

“Many shadows do I see: six more weeks of winter it must be.”


Not a Groundhog above but a sort of pig and as you can tell he saw his shadow as well.

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