All posts in “rodent control”

Rodent Control

Rodent Control

Rodent Control


Rant Alert – Rodent Control – Rant Alert. If you have rodents, seen rodents or seen evidence from rodents, they will not go away on their on. If someone gets rid of some, others will move in, trust me on this. I have customers that use our bait stations for a few months and then say we are good. NOT THE WAY IT WORKS. A community will have an average amount of rodents, killing a few might slow the program but they will reproduce again and the same issues will reappear.

  • If you see one, there are more.
  • If there is one inside – don’t panic – call a ProFessional.
  • I don’t use bait inside, use traps then you know when you have caught one.
  • Bait is great outside, check the picture. You know you have issues because the bait is rounded off.
  • You can also gage the pressure if there is activity on all 4 bait.
  • If there is activity don’t exclude them inside. A trapped rodent could turn nasty and vicious. Once exterminated, then exclude.
  • If you snap traps, place away from pets.

Search the blog for related articles on rodents, rats etc. Call us for detail on our Rodent Control Specials. 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176

Rat Catcher

Rat Catcher

Rat Catcher one of those jobs people don’t do anymore. I must admit, most of those jobs were tough and I wouldn’t want to do them either. The grossest one was used teeth salesperson, yuuuuuck. Times do change thank goodness and new and better jobs will always pop up. It’s like doing Pest Control in Arizona when the temperature is over 115 degrees, I know it’s a dry heat.

So what new jobs will be available, robots will be doing more and more. Fast food employees will be done away with by mechanical systems, taxi drivers eliminate by self driving cars etc. When I was in Seattle at Pestworld a few years ago, they had a GPS self driven device to scare away birds at airports so a Pest technician might be replaced but that’s a long time away I believe.


Rat Catcher

Desert Shrew

Desert Shrew

Desert Shrew – this little guy eats invertebrates such as worms, spiders and insects, but it also eats lizards, birds and small mammals such as mice. They hunt at night, restricting themselves to areas with thick brush to avoid owls and other predators. They rest in the burrow of another animal during daylight hours. In the hottest part of the day (Arizona 120), the shrews enter a torpor – an inactive state similar to hibernation and so would I. They prowl and search for their prey at night, so it often falls victim to nocturnal hunters such as owls and snakes.

Desert Shrew

Business or home – how are the rodents getting in?

Are rats getting into your business or home?

Does your business or home have these kinds of openings? The garage door is often the last place most people think about when investigating where the mice/rats are getting in. Click on the picture and you will see about 1/2 inch or more under that garage door – great access for mice or rats. and check out our StormShield garage door thresholds. Perfect for keeping out the rain, bugs and rodents.

It doesn’t stop there, a home-seal and consistency in inspecting the structure is a must.

Call us today at 480-831-9328

business 20160127_092258

Garage opening


Another weird little animal from Texas

Carnivorous mice that howl likes wolves

The northern grasshopper mouse (Onychomys leucogaster) is rather squat and blocky, has a white tummy and a white tip to its short tail. They’re not fast runners but are very agile – able to twist and turn to subdue prey in their longer-and-stronger-than-average jaws.

Isn’t it great to hear and read about cool stuff like this, thank goodness they aren’t real big. But anyway that’s why I’m here, to pass along stories like these.

I wonder who gets paid to do this type of research?

Big or small, mammals take 21 seconds to pee

I guess my other question would be the picture of the dog and mention he probably thinking – why are they taking a picture of me peeing?

But once again, that is the one of reasons why I live – to find these incredible and one of a kind stories. I know you’re laying awake at night wondering about this kind of stuff? I guess my next real plan of action is to time myself, know we will find out who is really reading my home seal…

TX Health officials warn about HantaVirus

Health Precautions

Even though this comes from Texas I thought the video was worth your read or watch.

Always use caution when cleaning, especially if you are in areas known to house the Deer Mouse


Photo by NPMA

Hantavirus – caution needed…

A recent story in the news brings to light – the caution needed when doing work in crawlspaces or attic areas. If you live in the Southwest you need to be aware of hantavirus – “Adams County, CO man dies of hantavirus“.


Urine or feces which if dried, can be inhaled and brought into your lungs and then the symptoms  really begin – they include fever, chills, headache & severe muscle pain, especially in the lower back and legs.



Photo by NPMA

Rats and their gnawing dilema


Rodents in general need to work down their teeth and this is often done on materials harder than their teeth. Every once in awhile I’ll notice some wiring on pool equipment that looks like it has been chewed on. This last month in Paris, France this habit took on dangerous overtones when a train accident occurred. Rats nibbled on signalling cables and this prevented a light to function correctly. “Rats blamed for rail accident“, luckily no one was killed but 40 people were injured.


Photo by Univar

Photo by Univar

Why am I lazy, I’m blaming it on my genes?


I’m really not lazy but since everyone blames everything else on something else, I might as well think it to be hereditary. I do hate the gym but work is another matter, I love what I do. This study was of course done on rats “Study suggests laziness could be hereditary.

By studying a population of rats over ten generations, researchers came to the conclusion that there is such a thing as a genetic predisposition to laziness, at least among rodents.


Since this video somewhat shows a rodent doing pushups I decided I had to share it. No rodents were harmed during the making of this video and this is my favorite video.

Nolans Cheddard Cheese – Seriously Strong



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