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What life lesson have you learned?


As we grow older we are supposed to gain wisdom, does that always work? I think not but here is my take on what I have learned in my short time on this planet.

  1. You can’t be good at everything, so be good with what you can be. I started in the pest industry in 1992 and started as a salesman. I was OK but that was about it and then an opportunity presented itself, I was given a chance to be a Service Manager. I found my calling, I love service and I love solving issues. Now don’t get me wrong, I can sell and I think most of don’t realize that we sell everyday. You sell yourself, maybe to a new friend, or a new job. But whatever it is, we sell everyday just as we promote ourselves.
  2. Be passionate about what you do and you can do anything. Some days are tougher than others but I love my job, I love sharing my knowledge with others especially kids. It is really fun to see a child’s mind start to work and comprehend the lifecycle of bugs and that things can indeed hurt you.

So how about you? How about commenting below and tell me your stories?


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