All posts in “slab”

Remove term: Hot Water Tank stand Hot Water Tank stand

Hot Water Tank stand

Hot Water Tank stand

The Hot Water Tank stand or just plain tank is usually in your garage, probably in a corner or maybe just inside your home. Depending on where it is, there could be a stand that it sits on. Sometimes the pipes come up through the slab and termites find there way in. Or there could be a crack where they sneak in. The bad thing about this area is that it is not visible and as in this case. the termites went straight up. They were noticed at the ceiling during an inspection. After doing some investigative work we put a hole in that box stand and found where they were coming up.

The job of inspector is almost a detective case, where do you look and what do you expect to find? Generally speaking Sub termites, go with the grain while Drywood termites cut across the grain. So when subs go up the wood, they hit another 2×4 and go with the grain. Then then attempt to come down and that is why you get notice a tube hanging down from the ceiling.  Our Arizona sub termites tend to do this often and is usually why we get the call about termites. Call ProBest if you signs similar to this 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176.

Water diverter

One of the home improvements you can do to your house is to add Water diverter to any pvc running from ac units. This diverter takes water away from the treated zone and allows the termiticide to stay where it is put. One of the keys to termite work is putting the termiticide to the place where the termites will go through it. If water is constatly running through it, it will over time diminish the effectiveness.

This device isn’t in the best of places, but is able to divert some water away. The sidewalk somewhat blocks the pipe from extending far enough away. But this device can help and does.

So here is my theory on longevity of termiticides in Arizona. Under concrete I believe Termidor can last up to 15 years and if it is on the outside of home I cut that rate in half to 5 -7 years. Now anything can cause this to break sooner, something under the slab such as rocks, paper or anything left over from construction.

Generic versus Termidor

Generic versus Termidor, so lets imagine if you will. BASF the original maker of Termidor bought the fipronil from their source and manufactured the original with inert ingredients. Then came at least 10 years of testing, we did 16 homes with none having issues in Arizona.

Now when the patent comes off companies come out of the woodwork to make something just as good. So they can’t get their hands on the inert ingredient list from BASF so they concoct their own – see the problem? So is there an issue with Generics versus Termidor, I believe there is. Choose the original.

  1. Not the same ingredients.
  2. No testing has to be done. They piggyback off the data from BASF, not fair but legal.
  3. Not all generics are the same, formulations are not the same. Stick with the real product from BASF fipronil Termidor.

Termites and your toilet – Ohhh what a crappy problem

Any toilet or pipe penetration in the slab will do

Toilet pipes lead the way in. Pardon the pun. Any penetration in your concrete slab allows that tiny chance that the termites may make their way into your home. Typically not usual but it does happen. This goes for any crack in the slab, have you noticed tile or carpet buckling, it may be a crack. If you replace carpet or linoleum and you see a crack have it treated before putting down new tile. I hate to see drill holes when it was preventable. So if you see something like this, give ProBest Pest Management a call at 480-831-9328.

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You need to see your foundation slab


Termites gain access into your home from the ground through penetrations of your slab or from the outside of your slab. So seeing the slab is extremely important to keeping them out. River rock or rock against your home also makes a great home for bark scorpions or other bugs.

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