All posts in “sting”

Bumpin Bees!

Bumpin Bees!


OK so you think the writer has finally lost his marbles, but wrong you would bee. I was talking to a customer today in my office and he has worked around some bees at his home for years, they live in a block wall on his property. Every once in awhile one bee might actually sting someone but for the most part, he is OK with them and they must be OK with him. Africanized Bees will tolerate humans but you must respect them as well. Noise or vibration can and will trigger them to sting  and depending on their time at that location they have become accustomed to the noise around that home. I have heard of people hiking the desert and getting bumped by bees, it is a sign that you might be to close to their hive.

Aggressive behavior begins as bees pelting (physically bumping) a perceived threat (including humans) and may escalate to stinging should the perceived threat (including humans) persist. National Park Service Africanized Honeybee Fact Sheet

Don’t panic when you see bees, they may be catching a drink from a pond or gathering nectar. Just always be aware of your surroundings and be ready to react.

Let’s talk about Honeybees!

Let’s talk about Honeybees!

Let’s talk about the Africanized version of the Honeybee

  • Africanized bees swarm more often, up to 10x.
  • A swarm isn’t likely to be real aggressive – don’t take chances. The reason for this is that they are full of honey and they are not defending anything yet.
  • A swarm is looking for a home – they send out scouts looking for a home and they probably will move on.
  • It is possible to relocate them if they are in  a tree or bush, not easy I said it was possible.

Notice the last picture, they have started to build honeycomb. This would make them more aggressive! Remember what I said previously in other home seals – It is impossible to set the bees make to zero or do over once they are mad….

OK so why tell you this, because there is no reason to panic. If you noticed a swarm, wait they may move on and this will save you money on hiring a Pest Management Professional. Now you notice I said hire a Pest Management Professional – that’s because we have bee suits and we understand bees.


Well it finally happened – Bed Bugs are mating with Africanized Bee’s in Arizona..

Well it finally happened – Bed Bugs are mating with Africanized Killer Bees in Arizona..

New research has found that “Killer Bee’s” has recently been observed mating with the Bed Bug. This research was done by the Ministry of Bugsearch at the University of South Mexico. If this new specimen is introduced into the United States it could have devastating consequences for all animals and humans. U.S. Border Agents  have stopped numerous pests this year at the borders and agricultural stations. Dr. Novell University of South Mexico was quite concerned and worried that this mutant bug could attack and suck the blood and sting cattle, horses and possibly humans.

April’s Fools day – did I get you?

Maybe it’s a great idea for a new movie – mutant Bed Bug Bee’s Attack!

Even the Bees get respect in Arizona!!

Even the Bees get respect in Arizona!! (Tonto Natural Bride, Payson, AZ)

Africanized bees get their name killer bees because they will viciously attack people and animals who unwittingly stray into their territory, often resulting in serious injury or death. They are similar in appearance to European Honeybees, the problem is that they respond with more numbers and often times will follow greater distances and that’s what get people into trouble.

As the weather is quite enjoyable these days and you decide to go out walking and the bees start bumping you it’s their way of telling you that you are in their territory. Stop, think and retreat.

If your thinking of hiking in the desert in Arizona, don’t wear perfume and don’t wear dark cloths.

If you notice a swarm on a tree, bush in your yard – the swarm will probably move on. If they don’t, call a Professional – Trust me on this one!!

If you see them going in and out of your home, call a Pest Management Professional.

Don’t panic if you see bees, they are important to life on our planet. We need them! If you are stung call 911 or Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222.

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