All posts in “swarm”

Bees, beeswax, honeycomb and prevention!

Did you know that Africanized Honeybees swarm up to 10x’s as often as the European Honeybees. So is there anything that can be done to protect and possible discourage honeybees from taking up residence in your building. Once you kill the bees the honey, beeswax and honeycomb often times remain and can cost untold amounts of money. So sometimes you can be proactive and help yourself tremendously.

The Cone Style Trap is a large “flower pot” style container that is made from wood pulp. The general idea here is to place these units in an area known to get swarms, the bees will scout out the swarm box and take up residence thus preventing  the swarm going to a structure. ** Nothing can make the bees go to this box, they must find it. There is no guarantee that the bees will not choose your structure. Depending on the footprint of your building and property, it would be wise to add a number of these strategically located to ensure that the bees find one.

I always suggest that you contact a Pest Management Professionals for Africanized Honeybees, once aggravated its hard to go back and start over!

Let’s talk about Honeybees!

Let’s talk about Honeybees!

Let’s talk about the Africanized version of the Honeybee

  • Africanized bees swarm more often, up to 10x.
  • A swarm isn’t likely to be real aggressive – don’t take chances. The reason for this is that they are full of honey and they are not defending anything yet.
  • A swarm is looking for a home – they send out scouts looking for a home and they probably will move on.
  • It is possible to relocate them if they are in  a tree or bush, not easy I said it was possible.

Notice the last picture, they have started to build honeycomb. This would make them more aggressive! Remember what I said previously in other home seals – It is impossible to set the bees make to zero or do over once they are mad….

OK so why tell you this, because there is no reason to panic. If you noticed a swarm, wait they may move on and this will save you money on hiring a Pest Management Professional. Now you notice I said hire a Pest Management Professional – that’s because we have bee suits and we understand bees.


Wasps “Smarter than 5th Graders”

Wasps are they “Smarter than 5th Graders”

  Wasps Can Recognize Faces – A recent article from National Geographic News Brian Handwerk

Wasps can be nasty little flying stinging bugs. Their stingers can sting multiple time, no barbs. They also hand out in bushes, under eaves and places which may afford them some privacy but easy access to you and possible attacks. I even seen and had it happen to me where one blew into the car window and went down my shirt – stung a few times before I could pull over and get it out.

Have you ever thought that the bug was out to get you, have you thought to yourself I think that bug is watching me or making plans to attack me? Maybe it wasn’t to far from the truth, maybe the wasp recognized your face and remembered it. Any stories that relate to your opinion about the bugs that are out to get you!


Photo by PPMA

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