All posts in “Western Subterranean Termites”

Termites are active now in Arizona


Termites are small, white, tan, or black insects depending on their caste that can cause destruction to wooden structures. I always suggest a termite inspection if you are purchasing a home or at least an inspection every few years just to be safe.


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After determining the infestation a treatment is necessary to keep them out, this is done by generally placing a termiticide into the soil next to or under the foundation. This is better done by a termite professional because it involves drilling and placing the termiticide under slabs of concrete. I often see termite tubes in garages and specifically in the area of the expansion joint (as noted by the first picture).

Call ProBest Pest Management for a inspection today and prevent damage or further damage. 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176

Termites issues – See anything?

Termites – Notice anything unusual?

Termites issues

Termites issues



I was driving the other day and noticed this on numerous homes in one specific neighborhood. Well here is my take, the pretreat didn’t work. So why did the pretreat not work? Here are my clues on this one.

  1. Wasn’t done at all.
  2. Wasn’t the correct mixture.
  3. Maybe somebody thought they did these homes, maybe not.
  4. Maybe a chemical we thought would work in AZ and didn’t.
  5. Wasn’t done at all, oops I said that again. Many of these homes had limited angle drilling and that leads me to think something is amiss, I’m not dropping names but in my opinion it’s a scary thing.

What do you know about Formosan Termites?

What do you know about Formosan Termites?   For example did you know, that they were probably transported into the U.S. from East Asian countries after World War II. The Formosan differs from native species in the fact they have huge colonies, maybe in the millions while Eastern Subterranean often have just a million and Arizona Western Subterranean often near 250,000. The East coast termites generally swarm in the Spring while the Western Sub species usually wait until monsoon to become more active. Formosans are just a little bit different in the fact that they are Subterranean but can bring mud up into a structure and live without going back to the ground. Our native termite in Arizona is not up to par with the Formosan in damage however it is still destructive and can cause significant damage if left alone. So what can you do to prevent Subterranean termites?

  • Don’t let them into your structure – a proper termiticide treatment will help with that. Since they live in the ground it is important to restrict them at ground level.
  • Stop the moisture especially around the foundation of your home.
  • Keep firewood stored above the ground and on some type of either rack or stone blocks.
  • Do not allow stucco to come in contact with stone or dirt, it blocks the view of your foundation.
  • Don’t allow wood to come in contact with soil, just another way for them to get into your home.
  • Last but not least an annual inspection by a Termite Company.


Have you seen these? Termite tunnels or tubes.

Have you seen these? Termite tunnels or tubes.

So you’re walking around your home and you look down and see this thing made out of mud or dirt, what is it? These are subterranean mud shelter tubes or tunnels. It’s the super highway for termites, it protects them from air, sunlight and predators. Here is Arizona we have another termite (Gnathamitermes) and this subterranean termite often plasters fences, tree trucks and cactus.


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