Gross – bedbug issues


Every once in awhile you run across a picture that can gross out the best of us. A friend of mine Steve Oswalt AllPest Pest Control & Wildlife Removal and  AllPest Pest Control & Wildlife Solutions Lewisburg, Ohio took this picture and I couldn’t resist re-posting it.

His remark “How could anyone live with Bed Bugs?” I couldn’t do it and I really hope this isn’t a child’s room.

Photo by Steve Oswalt

Photo by Steve Oswalt












Please don’t let this happen to you, call a Pest Management Professional for help or Steve if you live near Lewisburg, Ohio or ProBest in Arizona. Thanks again to Steve for this unbelievable picture.

Does your Pest Company report on conducive conditions at your home?


Part of doing pest control involves me walking around your property and doing a cursory check of the things I see.






So when I see a condition that could cause further issues I want to bring it to the attention of the homeowner. The issue above could cause further problems down the road by leaking into the home or by causing the roof to really leak especially with the monsoons we are experiencing these days. So the question is really an easy one – “Why keep a company that doesn’t care about you or your family?” Call ProBest Pest Management we will inform you on conditions that can cause potential issues – call us today at 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176 and thanks.

Genealogy & Pest Control

Pest Management Professional Magazine recently did an article in their “After Hours” section called “Connecting genealogy and pest management” by Dan Jacobs and I wanted to say thanks. I also want to share with you one of my hobbies, which I enjoy when I have time that is. I also love to hike but not in the heat or in the summer here in Arizona. Sometimes it is just great to get out into a wooden area and see what is happening. This hobby is related to my Scouting career. A few of my FaceBook friends enjoy camping, hiking and vacationing and I really enjoy their posting of their activities. The 2 pictures below are 2 of  my (25) Eagle Scouts when I was in Florida. Scouting builds character!

Within the last few months:

Ann & Joe went camping in Michigan

Jason hiked part of the AT Trail (Appalachian Trail) which he does almost every summer with friends. I have hiked sections of the AT a few times with my Scouts. Jason is the one in the back.







Jason M. participated as a Counselor at a summer camp

Frank & Shelly went to the beach

and this one was beyond belief – Chris ran 100 miles through the Sahara Desert – Marathon Des Sables.








Resources for IPM


I talk a lot about IPM because it just makes sense, you know the stories and how people just want the old way of pest control. Just like any business you have to change and adapt to those changes or you ultimately die from lack of business. I will admit it isn’t easy to walk away from money but Integrated Pest Management  (IPM) is here to stay) and the the betterment of all of us.

Which makes more sense:

  • Pest Company A shows up at your home, power sprays (soaks everything with pesticide), then comes inside your home and using a compressed sprayer sprays all the baseboards within the home.
  • Pest Company B asks questions about activity, does a walk around the property and then begins a treatment program. They use a webber broom to knock down webs and locates wasps nest. They might use bait for ants outside and/or using a backpack treat specific locations for scorpions and crickets, they might use a bellows hand duster to put pesticide dust into cracks and crevices to treat the insects (food insects or actual pests) that might be hiding in those areas. If there is a problem within that structure they might use baits or products that pose less risks to the family and pets.

School & Home Integrated Pest Management July 2014 Newsletter – Thanks to the University of Arizona (College of Agriculture & Life Sciences.


Arizona termites – sneaky and they will get in.




Arizona has some rather sneaky termites but very capable of gaining entry into our homes. They usually make termite tunnels over the outside foundation but can also make their way in by way of that crack or where concrete meets another piece of concrete. This photo was the only evidence within this home but looks typical of those mud tubes or tunnels on the foundation.


So if you notice something that looks like this or a drop tube from the ceiling it’s time to call ProBest Pest Management at 480-831-9328.

What are my Top 5 Arizona bug calls for the summer?


Top 5 Bug Calls of the summer to ProBest Pest Management


  1. Scorpions (of course).
  2. Ants
  3. Cockroaches (mainly American – outside issues) due to heat and lack of water.
  4. Honeybees.
  5. Termites


I want you to spray inside my home… is it necessary?

Not always!

Rodents winning New York City rat race, but humans are fighting back.” I have to tell you I get a bit frustrated when I hear these remarks. If you have been ready this home seal you know I’m a advocate for Integrated Pest Management or IPM but sometimes that takes into account the use of pesticides.

I’m constantly talking with people about inside and/or outside service, I switched many years ago to an outside service program. I spend just as much time on the outside as I did doing both inside/outside. There isn’t the need with a few exceptions of performing inside service.  So here is my approach:

  1. On calling the customer, they have an opportunity to tell me about any interior issues.
  2. Upon arrival for their service, I ask if they have any issues.
  3. I always walk around with a webber broom, gives me a chance to look the home over before I begin the service.
  4. I’m a technology minded service provider, I investigate and try the new products. This is often done in cooperation with the Pest Control Industry Manufacturers.
  5. Example: I went to a home a month ago, another company had been treating this home for German Roaches for 2 years and they still had them (they were spraying only). I used Avert dry bait as a crack & crevice product – this month the owner advised me that he had seen one about a week and a half ago but none lately. NOTE: this is what you pay me for – I know bugs and how to get rid of them…… Its about knowledge.
  6. There are a few occasions when you must use products inside homes, yes I know there are people out there that think there are do it yourself products or GREEN products that will rid your home of everything. In my opinion some work but many just won’t last long enough.
  7. Many schools are getting on the IPM program and if it good enough for our children and our schools why wouldn’t it be good enough for your home. Just think about this, every time you use a compressed sprayer within your home you are releasing a pesticide within your airspace – is that good? Just face the facts IPM is the way of the future.


Gag reflex on eating bugs, can we as humans get by this?


Are insect farms the urban farms we need to feed the cities?”  Just imagine the possibilities of giant urban farms capable of raising protein without all the issues of methane gas or excrement in abundance.

I’m sure that this is something we just need to get past, the creepy yuck factor of eating bugs. I for one would probably eat bugs faster than I could eat rodents.


Photo by PPMA (cicadas)

Another tip to prevent termites..


Ideally its important to be able to see that foundation wall or the slab of your home. This is where the termites often build those mud tubes to gain access into the house.If you can’t see the slab then you might not see those termites until they have done some damage within the walls.


  1. Have a Professional Termite inspection done yearly.
  2. Keep grass, bushes and trees away from the house.
  3. Don’t put stones up to the stucco, you want to see that slab.
  4. Don’t let water sprinklers hit the house.

A little tip to protect your home.


If you have wood siding please consider the following:

  1. Remember when it rains, the wood will act like a sponge and wick the water up.
  2. Don’t plant grass or any type of plant to close, the plan is to make the foundation visible for inspections.
  3. Just my opinion but don’t plant anything under the drip-line of the home. That is where the roof extends out away from the house.
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