Weed Prevention Services & Yard Weed Treatment
Weed Prevention Services
Weed Prevention Services – Weeds can cause issues with your yard and with Homeowner Associations (HOA) and neighbors. ProBest Pest Management suggest a treatment in the Spring and Fall with a post and pre-emergent. As the winds blow in Arizona seeds are dispersed and spread far and near and we see them popping up in every yard. The post-emergent will kill everything green and weed, and the pre-emergent needs to be watered in for best results. The pre-emergent needs to get to the seeds, and if your stone is thick or big it helps to water it down pass the stones to the dirt.
Weeds are ever present in Arizona and the BEST time to tackle them is the Spring and Fall. We have alot of hardy weeds including Thistle – better known as Tumbleweed. We have Nutsedge and it can be really difficult to kill, those can include those dreaded seed pods that have burrs. Hard on feet and pets including dogs.
ProBest treats by the square footage, only the stone areas. Don’t count the pool area or grass areas. Only the stone or dirt areas that you want no weeds in. So if you know what that footage is, it is easier to quote. Again not the grass areas because the grass is considered a Broadleaf and requires special herbicides. Lot tougher to kill but it is possible.
Call us at 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176
Yard Weed Treatment Services – One call does it all. Call A Pro… Call The Best. ProBest!
Call A Pro… Call The Best! ProBest Pest Management