All posts in “Birds”

Pesky pigeons…


Tips for control:

  1. When excluding for pigeons consider the entire resting or roosting area.
  2. Hardware cloth is best, chicken wire doesn’t look nice. By the way you can spray paint hardware cloth.
  3. Remove all the nesting materials.
  4. Clean as much as possible.


Sometimes nature just re-imagines itself..



So every once in awhile you come across something unique. This wreath was nice as it was but then this dove decided to add a little touch of class by building  a nest right on top.The only problem was the lack of hygiene by Mama bird and the poo on the welcome mat.

So a little upgrade to an existing wreath, looks fine to me. Have you seen anything like this?



Pigeons can be a nuisance, what can you do?


When is one too many? Pigeons tend to gather where they feel safe and by the looks of this home – this is the one. I personally thinks it is time to call ProBest Pest Management 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176.

  • Pigeons will eat anything.
  • They can live 3-5 years.
  • Mate for life.
  • Average speed can be over 75 mph.
  • Considered to be the #1 pest bird problem in the U.S.
  • A single pigeon can create over 25 pounds of feces each year.

Birds and their damage.

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So you just noticed that birds or something is getting into your attic, well if you ignore it maybe it will just go away? Probably not, but even if you fix the problem that might not be the end of it. Birds, critters or even pests can cause other problems. The animals might have parasites and once you get rid of them the parasites might come down from the attic looking for food. That might be you!

So one of my suggestions would be to do periodic checks of your property, look up and down. Look for openings or rub marks (like the picture on the right), or for feces buildup on your home (left picture). My recommendation is to do monthly or at the very least quarterly checks of your property.

Pigeon issues at your home?



probestpestDSC06740 Does your roof look like this?

Then you need a little help in clearing them off and away from your home. Hardly a house in this neighborhood had a single pigeon on it.


Geese and their migration to Arizona.


If you are out and about driving you will see Geese in in v formation, why you ask? First lets discuss why geese migrate – usually they fly south for the winter, I would oh wait I did. Geese like to take  advantage of circumstances, warmer weather generally means more food and optimal environments for their off spring. The reason they fly in that v formation is that this affords them the opportunity to waste less work on flying it actually breaks the wall of air that they fly into. The swirling air also helps push the birds behind the other and it allows them to watch and communicate with each other.

Geese are great looking birds but if they become to numerous they can be a hazard, they will attack if you get to close and they will defecate anywhere. This defecating on cement or parking lots areas is really, really slippery so please be careful walking. This morning on the way into work along the 101 they were in a field eating and there were probably over 100.

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What is wildlife control?


Most of us enjoy the occasional wildlife that we encounter but without some form or measure of keeping them at bay, we might have a bad encounter. You see the shows on TV where someone decides to take a picture of some creature and the creature feels threatened and attacks. It is never by the way that lone little bird, it is the Grizzly Bear that people want the picture of. Bears can run fast so unless you have a friend with you, that bear will catch your but and eat you. That therein lies the problem – they are animals and wild creatures.

I had a friend whose family raised a raccoon and this raccoon was still wild and got into trouble frequently. I’m reminded of this as we encounter wildlife in our day to day work. It is impossible to know for sure but these animals don’t know the difference between your home and a tree. It also becomes a problem when we feed them, then they become accustomed to handouts. One of my favorite little spots to visit is Monetzuma’s Castle and they used to have squirrels until one day when a squirrel bit the hand that was feeding it.The squirrel just sees the food and if isn’t given the food in a manner that it is used to it lashes out and bites.


This also applies to letting a wild animal live in your home or shed, birds and other wildlife carry parasites and once the animal is gone where are the bugs going to go? Wild animals also carry fleas and ticks and the same applies, they will seek out a new food source and that could be you. So don’t allow animals to live in your attic, if you hear something it is time to investigate.


Do you have Solar on your roof?



Those pesky pigeons just won’t quit will they? You decided to upgrade and put Solar on the home and know they have taken up under the Solar panels. This is the fix to getting those birds off your roof. Once pigeons have decided to make your roof their home they won’t ever give up unless you make them move.

Why won’t pigeons leave?

  1. They are generational – if born on your roof they will continue to think of your home as their home.
  2. They want and need the same things you and I want – food, water and shelter.
  3. They prefer to have their backs against a wall, gives them an advantage over birds of prey.

Thanks to Bird Barrier for this photo, call ProBest Pest Management to help solve those bird issues 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176.

Lots of animals can cause stinky messes…do you live around messes like this?



Animals and birds can really cause some major issues, such as bad air and parasites. Bad air within a structure can cause serious Asthma issues and depending on the circumstance can be caused by German Roaches, rat droppings and urine and hair left behind.

At least in the case above all the droppings were on the outside but we can always track them into the home and that’s another great reason to clean carpets. We definitely don’t want that mess in the attic and we don’t want animals of any kind nesting or raising babies.

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