All posts in “IPM”

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in schools a good thing?

Is Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in schools a good thing?

Texas mandates IPM for their schoolsSchool Integrated Pest Management

The days of spraying every home is gone it’s all about less = more, what do I mean? Pesticides have been changing for a long time.  They have become better in mode of action against the bugs. IPM Institute We now have baits and specific control products for specific insect pests. Isn’t it better to localize treatment rather than spray areas where no bug have ever been seen. Some people may be allergic to insect skins or fecal material while another may be allergic to a certain type of pesticide. Caution should be the power word in dealing with anyone that may be sensitive to a certain chemical pesticide.   A recent home seal here at ProBest talks about The days of power spraying every house is coming to a close…

My theory is less pesticide in the home is better!

Integrated Pest Management

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