All posts in “IPM”

Is pest control necessary?


Every once in awhile somebody hits me with this statement, I can answer it with just a few short words:



and those other occasional pest like mosquitoes, flies and roaches….


The statistics are there if you want them. But as I have mentioned often, bugs have killed way more of us than anything else. As I have said numerous times you don’t always have to use pesticides. There are those that would say you never ever should use pesticides. There are times and a place for the use and sometimes it is just cost effective to do it plain and simple. IPM or Integrated Pest Management is the best way – it just makes you think about it in a way that makes complete sense. Use what you have by ways of home-sealing, door sweeps etc and if you must, then use some pesticide. (Always read and follow Labels, SDS and labeling use directions).

Recently the ticks have become unbelievable – sometimes just 100’s in a home. Just a few weeks ago Flagstaff had some issues at a camp –  “Tick-borne disease temporally closes Flagstaff’s Camp Colton“. Maybe they should consider Tick Boxes TCS

I know there are those that think some type of oil will kill everything, they just don’t last and seldom work as a true pesticide does. But again I realize that not everyone will agree but do you have some opinions or facts I’m not aware of?


My favorite bug in the news – “Kissing Bug”


“Kissing Bug” aka Triatoma, Assassin Bug, Cone-nose, Wheel Bug, or Ambush bug and sometimes called the Masked Bedbug Hunter “Arkansans spot the dangerous “kissing bug“. This bug is considered a predatory insect, it generally goes after other bugs and suck their fluids right out of their bodies. It gets that Kissing Bug name from the way they attack humans at night if they get into your home – they go to the area of our bodies that allow easier penetrations, like our mouth.

There are a variety of species (7000) and most look cool with their coloration but watch out for their piercing sucking rostrum. They live in the Southern States and Mexico. They transmit Chagas Disease with that painful bite wound where people accidentally scratch and introduce the organism into their bodies .

Best way to keep them out of your home:

  • Make sure screens are in place.
  • Don’t leave doors open.
  • Use door sweeps or correct low thresholds.
  • Home-seal and prevent them from sneaking in.

QualityPro – 10th year Anniversary









Leading the Industry

QualityPro is administered by the Foundation for Professional Pest Management, an independent organization that develops good business practices and standards. Designed specifically for pest management companies in the US and Canada, this certification is offered voluntarily to companies that are currently members of the National Pest Management Association. Created in 2004, we are proud to represent over 450 of the best companies in the pest management industry.

ProBest Pest Management has been a proud member since 2005, that was when ProBest was purchased and we decided from the start that we wanted to be a part of leading the industry and setting the standards.

ProBest Pest Management has the following QualityPro advanced certifications: GreenPro, QualityPro Food Protection and QualityPro Schools.

Recognized by EPA’s Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program, GreenPro, is a stringent yet practical, sustainable, and eco-effective solution that has been tailored for today’s environmentally conscious consumer.

Resources for IPM


I talk a lot about IPM because it just makes sense, you know the stories and how people just want the old way of pest control. Just like any business you have to change and adapt to those changes or you ultimately die from lack of business. I will admit it isn’t easy to walk away from money but Integrated Pest Management  (IPM) is here to stay) and the the betterment of all of us.

Which makes more sense:

  • Pest Company A shows up at your home, power sprays (soaks everything with pesticide), then comes inside your home and using a compressed sprayer sprays all the baseboards within the home.
  • Pest Company B asks questions about activity, does a walk around the property and then begins a treatment program. They use a webber broom to knock down webs and locates wasps nest. They might use bait for ants outside and/or using a backpack treat specific locations for scorpions and crickets, they might use a bellows hand duster to put pesticide dust into cracks and crevices to treat the insects (food insects or actual pests) that might be hiding in those areas. If there is a problem within that structure they might use baits or products that pose less risks to the family and pets.

School & Home Integrated Pest Management July 2014 Newsletter – Thanks to the University of Arizona (College of Agriculture & Life Sciences.


What can be done with scorpions?


Does it seem like those darn scorpions just won’t die? No matter what you do they continue to be on your property. The problem is that here in Arizona if the weather doesn’t get real cold everything just makes it through the winter.







So home seal your home, reduce the numbers by black lighting and reduce the food by performing monthly pest control.

Are window screens necessary to living in Arizona?


Having lived in Florida and Arizona I know how easy it is for bugs to get into your home. Many things can be done to keep bugs out including having your home sealed, that J-trim often pulls away from the home and allows crickets and scorpions a path right into your home. Replacing door sweeps or installing garage thresholds can be another great add-on to stop those pests from getting into your home.

Ryan Van Velzer, The Republic | recently did an article on “What you should know about Arizona’s Kissing Bug“.


The trend of GREEN, what do I mean?


As Kermit the Frog has said numerous times “It ain’t easy being Green”. The trend over the last 10 years or more is to lean against the use of pesticides unless it is absolutely needed and I agree. Now with that said, I do believe that pesticides are needed. Numerous people die every year from diseases brought on by vectors like mosquitoes or fleas. Along with that number are the people that are stung or biten by things like scorpions, bees and spiders.

“Green Buildings” Have potential to improve health of low-income housing residents.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is the protocol of using tools to stop the pests from gaining entry before using pesticides. It still allows the use of pesticides but after using those tools to keep them out. Examples of this include home-sealing, eliminating hiding spaces and rocks on your property and installing or updating garage or door thresholds/door sweeps.


Will people ever learn?


I have to tell you, sometimes I worry about people. Why you ask? Because of stories like this “Feeding Alligators: dangerous unlawful.”  I guess it doesn’t really surprise me, that is why those shows on TV are so riveting. You know someone is going to walk up to that Buffalo like he knows what he is doing and then POW…. I guess that is why all those warning labels are on things, to stop that one person who was thinking – should I really do that or not. Selection of the fitness!

So what kind of tips can I give if you own a house and want to keep those critters out:

  1. Don’t encourage them to live with you, don’t stack stuff around the outside of your home.
  2. Check weep holes and secure them – no open holes.
  3. Don’t create harborages, don’t set your shed on the ground. This is a possible site for all types of animals.
  4. Don’t leave doors or windows opened, things can crawl in. That is how I captured the snake below, someone left a door opened. She was about a foot long and is currently over 6 foot.


Hey looks whose hiding in your block wall?



The secret to success for scorpion control is the determination and fortitude to persevere. Here in Arizona bark scorpions can pack a good little sting, so its important to endeavor to control. What are the keys:

  1. Pest Control – I suggest monthly.
  2. Black-lighting to track them down.
  3. Home seal your home.

I want you to spray inside my home… is it necessary?

Not always!

Rodents winning New York City rat race, but humans are fighting back.” I have to tell you I get a bit frustrated when I hear these remarks. If you have been ready this home seal you know I’m a advocate for Integrated Pest Management or IPM but sometimes that takes into account the use of pesticides.

I’m constantly talking with people about inside and/or outside service, I switched many years ago to an outside service program. I spend just as much time on the outside as I did doing both inside/outside. There isn’t the need with a few exceptions of performing inside service.  So here is my approach:

  1. On calling the customer, they have an opportunity to tell me about any interior issues.
  2. Upon arrival for their service, I ask if they have any issues.
  3. I always walk around with a webber broom, gives me a chance to look the home over before I begin the service.
  4. I’m a technology minded service provider, I investigate and try the new products. This is often done in cooperation with the Pest Control Industry Manufacturers.
  5. Example: I went to a home a month ago, another company had been treating this home for German Roaches for 2 years and they still had them (they were spraying only). I used Avert dry bait as a crack & crevice product – this month the owner advised me that he had seen one about a week and a half ago but none lately. NOTE: this is what you pay me for – I know bugs and how to get rid of them…… Its about knowledge.
  6. There are a few occasions when you must use products inside homes, yes I know there are people out there that think there are do it yourself products or GREEN products that will rid your home of everything. In my opinion some work but many just won’t last long enough.
  7. Many schools are getting on the IPM program and if it good enough for our children and our schools why wouldn’t it be good enough for your home. Just think about this, every time you use a compressed sprayer within your home you are releasing a pesticide within your airspace – is that good? Just face the facts IPM is the way of the future.


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