All posts in “pests”

Do you think Bed Bugs care about the cold?


Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr I was in Washington D.C. this month and it was freezing. I was in the Jefferson Memorial and in walked this kid with shorts on, I had to ask and yes he was from Vermont. He has Maple syrup for blood, cause the wind was whipping off that little lake and I had a goretex jacket on. But anyway I just heard that Bed Bugs are on the increase in Alaska. “Bed Bugs are calling Alaska home at increasing numbers“.

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Photo by PPMA

So take care when traveling or letting folks stay at your home. Bed Bugs continue to impact libraries and hotels are alarming rates.

OK wouldn’t this scare the #%*^@ out of you?


Family finds hundreds of potentially deadly spiders in pack of bananas.”

The arachnids may have been Brazilian wandering spiders, which have venom deadly enough to kill humans, but this has not yet been confirmed.

You know where I stand on spiders, but this would freak me out. This story was from Hednesford, England. I always check bananas when I buy them, but it just goes to show you – check your fruit and vegetables before taking them home.

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Photo provided by PPMA

Here in Arizona we have a relative to the Brown Recluse spider –  Arizona Brown spider. Take care their bite is dangerous, may kill living flesh and cause other debilitating illness.

Recent question on Pest Control…

probestpestmanagementDSC06525qq   Ask Dr. Bug……………

Last week someone mentioned they had flying bugs in their home, they brought in some samples and they turned out to be Whiteflies. I immediately put on my detective hat and began to ask questions. Had they brought in any plants recently and bingo that was the answer I thought I would hear? A lot of times if we just think about what conditions may have changed and we may get to the right answer.

Whiteflies usually occur in groups on the undersides of leaves. All stages suck plant juice and can damage the plant if numbers are high enough. A few years ago someone had a similar occurrence and they had a potted plant at their front door. Every time they opened the door the whiteflies got sucked right into the home.

Got a question or need some help to identify something, send it to [email protected] and I’ll help to identify and give you some options on control.

IPM – the way of the future, why don’t schools get this?


Soapbox time again, I just don’t understand why schools are so reluctant to jump on this. I stopped spraying inside homes years ago, it just isn’t good on the occupants of the home unless there is a real good reason. I have preached about this over the years, but the EPA recently awarded more than $500,000 “to schools to help reduce children’s exposure to pesticides“. It is my opinion that every school should adopt this, period. It is in the best interest of every child and teacher, the use of IPM is simplistic in the game – just use other methods to control pest unless it is impossible and then use pesticides. Go here to read about ideas on IPM from the National Pest Management Association.

The three grants will be awarded to:

The Texas A&M Agrilife Extension to develop a central, internet-based hub for materials and phone apps that will give school districts the information and tools they need to adopt an IPM program.

The University of Arizona to develop and carry out a pilot training and certification program for school staff (custodians, kitchen staff, and school administrators) in eight states and four tribes, working with five other universities and stakeholders.

The Michigan State University to help 5 percent of Michigan and Indiana schools adopt IPM through hands-on education, training and coalition building, including web-based trainings and a website. About 135,000 children may be protected.


Are you protecting yourself against bed bugs


Recently I stayed at a  motel and as always I check the room, these are a few of the ways I protect myself. No sense bringing something home that you hadn’t planned on.

Some do’s and some don’ts…

Do – hang your clothes on shower rods and place luggage in bathroom. I just leave my clothes in the bathroom, helps with the wrinkles and I have never brought home pests.

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Don’t place on bed, chairs  or dresser – if bed bugs are in the furniture it is important not to allow them to come home.

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By the no bed bugs were present, they must know who they are dealing with…

Legislative Days for the pest control industry.


I recently had the opportunity to attend Legislative Days, hosted by the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) and FMC. A few high-lights include a chance to shake hands with a few people who have been in the news Pat Buchanan, Donna Brazile and Rand Paul.

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I’ll have a few better pictures later (this was by cell phone camera). But I want to thank FMC for the opportunity to attend on their dime and to the NPMA for hosting and running a great program.



Ahhh the rain has come, termites more active – maybe.


This next week the National Pest Management Association kicks off Termite Awareness Week (March 16-22). The Spring brings a lot more activity for termites on the East Coast, well what about Arizona? Our monsoon (usually in the late summer) brings the rain and this triggers the termites and other bugs to become more active.

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So as the cold disappears and the warm weather finally makes it to the Valley, keep an eye out for termites and other bugs. No freezing weather – less death of common food of the scorpions and that means that the scorpions didn’t succumb to the extreme cold either.

Will the winter weather help with Stink bugs?


Well it turns out that “Polar Vortex” may actually help to keep down the numbers of Stink bugs. I won’t make a snide remarks about the snow, it was like evry other day and yet another storm was dumping tons of snow in the north. I did appreciate all the FaceBook cartoons of snow, my favorite was “whose tired of the snow, and all you could see was hands sticking up through the snow mounds.

Just for the record I grew up in Ohio, so I know what snow is all about. I’m also very thankful having lived in Florida and now Arizona. “Polar Vortex may slow down Stink bug invasion, reasearchers say.”


Photo by J.Stoner


Great info on pesticides – understanding is the key.

Every time something happens people are quick to jump to conclusions that something is bad. I found this letter “Modern pesticides are safe to use (letter). “One of the things we are taught is never to mention that pesticides are safe. Now with said, I do agree it is in fact a pesticide and we all know that “Cide” means a thing that kills = insecticide. 

Salt is actually dangerous LD-50 3000 mg/kg (milligrams of substance per kilogram of body mass), take a look at Botox (1 ng/k).

So this by no means should make anybody complacent to the use of pesticides, we use them daily and we take precautions. We use personal protective equipment as required by the label, so please read the label.

Its baby time, are rodents looking for ways to protect themselves?


Just like us pests and rodents need 3 things: #1 Food #2 Water and #3 Shelter.

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Whether its warm or cold. opportunity is opportunity and pests will take every chance to push the edge. This could be your home and you need to be aware of the places where pest can set up a home for themselves.

  1. Check your home for exterior and interior holes.
  2. Trim trees and bushes away from home.
  3. Pick up fruit and/or encourage your neighbors to do the same. Give the fruit to St. Mary’s Food Bank.
  4. Remember rodents will gnaw on wires and pipes, you don’t need a headache like this.

Call ProBest Pest Management for help in dealing with pests.

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