All posts in “ProBest Pest Management”

Donations finally delivered to Big Brothers/Big Sisters of AZ


We started collecting clothes and other stuff way back in December and we finally got around to calling Big Brothers/Big Sisters to pick it up. Long story but we kept collecting right up to the pickup and we have a small check to give them in regards to our cell phone collections. Good cause and one of my favorites – I had the chance to help 2 – 3 Little Brothers over my life and served on the Board of Directors of the Central Florida Chapter for close to 7 years.

Remember they will pick up – Call them at 602-230-8900 to donate clothes or for a donation. I would greatly appreciate it and I know they would as well. Thanks!

How do those scorpions get into your home?

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One of my favorite calls relates to how scorpions get into bathrooms or showers. People tell me they come up drains and that is incorrect. Arizona Bark Scorpions enter your home by crawling up stucco and gaining access into your attic. They then crawl around and under the insulation and finally they come to a recess light or something that was cut through the ceiling drywall. See all those cracks and if your home isn’t sealed well enough they will fall right into your house. Sometimes there are lights or fans right above the bath or shower and they just fall in. So here is my advice, pull down the plate that covers these holes and caulk the hole. This should be done on the top floor ceiling or if you live in a single story house the ceiling. On our website is a list of things we attempt to seal when we perform a Home-Sealing.

Spring is here, the Bees say so!


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Did you know Africanized Honeybees swarm 30 more often than the European Honeybees? Spring has sprung and we are getting calls, here are a few tips:

  1. Don’t Panic when they decide to swarm on a tree, bush or fence. Its nature way of reproduction.
  2. Leave them alone, they will probably move on.
  3. When they swarm they take in as much honey as they can, this tends to make them a little more docile. They are not defending a hive yet, but that doesn’;t mean that they won’t sting. Use caution and Bee Safe.


April is National Pest Management Month



I was going to start out with the old adage “Have you hugged your Pest Management Professional” but didn’t want to stir any pots. OK I did it anyway, but did you know:

The world needs pest management professionals, guardians of the environment and protectors of public health, property and food. Ever since “The Jungle” was released in 1906 written by Upton Sinclair – the food industry (meat packing industry) has been regulated and scrutinized. There are a few that consider all the work we do as unnecessary but over 1 million die from Malaria each year (caused by mosquitoes) and Bubonic Plague (caused by fleas) still taps our shoe heels each year.


Plague in the United States

Plague was first introduced into the United States in 1900, by rat–infested steamships that had sailed from affected areas, mostly from Asia. Epidemics occurred in these port cities. The last urban plague epidemic in the United States occurred in Los Angeles from 1924 through 1925. Plague then spread from urban rats to rural rodent species, and became entrenched in many areas of the western United States. Since that time, plague has occurred as scattered cases in rural areas. Most human cases in the United States occur in two regions:

  • Northern New Mexico, northern Arizona, and southern Colorado
  • California, southern Oregon, and far western Nevada

Information provided by

Did you know by ProBest Pest Management?



  • Termites eat 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, meaning damage to wood in and around a structure can happen very quickly.
  • Typically, homeowner’s insurance does not cover termite damage. Most pest infestations and accompanying damage are considered maintenance issues by insurance carriers.
  • The most effective type of treatment depends on the severity of the infestation, the species of termite, and the location and construction of the home.
  • Termites cannot be effectively treated by a homeowner on their own generally. Pest control professionals have the training, expertise and technology to eliminate a termite infestation.

It’s not always about the Bed Bugs, how about visiting Arizona? Meteor Crater

Meteor Crater

A lot of stories back and forth on whether a meteor annihilated the dinosaurs  but this is a fun day to see what happens when something hits the Earth. Can you just imagine if you were here when this baby hit just north of Phoenix and east of Flagstaff? Meteor Crater Visitor Center is located off I-40 at exit 233, Meteor Crater Road, then 6 miles south on the paved road. 35 miles east of Flagstaff, 20 miles west of Winslow, in Arizona, USA

I love history and just learning, they have a small meteorite inside that you can touch, way cool.

If you spend some time looking around the site, you can spot all sorts of bugs, lizards and more. Be careful so you don’t accidentally fall in, its deep.

USGS photo

USGS photo

A few days at our nations Capital..


I love visiting our Nation’s Capital and all the monuments and history, so here are a few of the pictures that I took in my week attending Legislative Days by the way it was COLD, really COLD.


The Marine Corps War Memorial


Korean War Veterans Memorial

Legislative Days for the pest control industry.


I recently had the opportunity to attend Legislative Days, hosted by the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) and FMC. A few high-lights include a chance to shake hands with a few people who have been in the news Pat Buchanan, Donna Brazile and Rand Paul.

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I’ll have a few better pictures later (this was by cell phone camera). But I want to thank FMC for the opportunity to attend on their dime and to the NPMA for hosting and running a great program.



Have you ever witnessed a swarm?

A swarm occurs when its time to divide the colony.


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Have you ever seen a swarm, maybe ants, termites or honeybees? Comment below.

Great info on pesticides – understanding is the key.

Every time something happens people are quick to jump to conclusions that something is bad. I found this letter “Modern pesticides are safe to use (letter). “One of the things we are taught is never to mention that pesticides are safe. Now with said, I do agree it is in fact a pesticide and we all know that “Cide” means a thing that kills = insecticide. 

Salt is actually dangerous LD-50 3000 mg/kg (milligrams of substance per kilogram of body mass), take a look at Botox (1 ng/k).

So this by no means should make anybody complacent to the use of pesticides, we use them daily and we take precautions. We use personal protective equipment as required by the label, so please read the label.

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