All posts in “ProBest Pest Management”

You know theres trouble when ….


This story caught my attention because of the following – “The reports states the inspection was not completed because the “inspector was not feeling safe.” This story is out of Maryland and I was caught off guard when the inspector said he didn’t feel safe because he heard crying noises from a storage area.

I think all restaurants need to have pest control, I check bathrooms before I eat any out at any establishment. If the bathrooms are clean generally speaking so is the kitchen and prep areas. From my point of view we always get that call when it’s an emergency and it has gotten to the point of State Inspections. Now don’t get me wrong there are numerous great restaurants that understand the word -clean. But if you own a restaurant here are a few of my tips.

  1. Cleaning is a daily job, if the employee’s are taught right from the very first day and held accountable it will help.
  2. Set up specific duties on different days to accomplish goals. For example Monday – clean all deep fryers, Tuesday specifically clean under all stoves, pull out heavy items, Wednesday – use Biovade or grease eating scum products to prevent build up – making sure to keep drains full of water and clean, Thursday – clean pantry taking stock of all inventory and making sure to use first in first out premise and Friday – clean anything else specific to that restaurant and no taking off duties on weekends.
  3. Post duties and make sure it gets done.
  4. Management must be just as accountable as employee’s.
  5. Don’t tolerate bad behavior.
  6. Praise staff for cleaning excellence – especially if you pass inspections, I suggest a party after work or free food. If everyone buys in, the place will be clean and draw in more consumers.

Grease traps should be checked and evaluated monthly, along with drains and other areas of spillage.


How does Pest Control relate to Public Health?


Pest Control = is the regulation and/or management of a species defined as a pest, usually because it is perceived to be detrimental to a person’s health, the ecology or the economy.

Public Health =  science and practice of protecting and improving the health of a community, as by preventive medicine, health education, control of communicable diseases, application of sanitary measures, and monitoring of environmental hazards.


We have often talked about the things that have killed more humans than anything else – #1 mosquito = malaria, dengue fever and fleas = bubonic plague.


It’s not always about the Scorpions, how about visiting Arizona? Organ Pipe and Ft Huachuca

Organ Pipe National Park and Ft Huachuca


First off these places are a distance to get to especially from Phoenix, so plan on spending some time out. Just a guess but it also is over a hundred miles apart.

To the local Native Americans, the land of Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument was an important cultural center. Hohokam trade routes bisect what is now the monument, and allowed for ease of movement through the Sonoran Desert as people looked to acquire resources and trade with neighboring cultures. To the O’Odham people, the fruits of saguaro and organ pipe cactus provided food during the hot Sonoran summer.

Here is a  list of animals you might be lucky enough to see includes:

  • Mountain Lion,
  • Mule Deer,
  • White-tailed Deer,
  • Desert Bighorn,
  • Sonoran Pronghorn,
  • Javelina,
  • Lesser Long Nosed Bat,
  • Coyote,
  • Jackrabbit,
  • Kangaroo Rat,
  • Packrat,
  • Quitobaquito pupfish,
  • more bird species than can be listed and
  • several species of reptiles, including Rattlesnakes.

Fort Huachuca, constructed in 1877, was one of a chain of forts established to guard southern Arizona against the Chiricahua Apaches, led by Geronimo.

Bees are being used to fight poverty.


An excellent article “Using bees to fight poverty“, appeared in the Christian Science Monitor by Cathryn J. Prince. I think this is a great way to produce extra food and maybe make some extra cash in places where cash or food is of great concern.

Some key items, they only go to places when asked and they help to teach people the trade or to increase honey production. Great job!

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Photo by PPMA


A little hiking tour in Oak Creek Canyon, Sedona.


I’m a bug guy so hiking with me is an adventure in looking at the little stuff, sometimes we tend to only look ahead but not me. I’m the guy that stops to investigate a lone ant probestpestDSC09679, or maybe something lurking behind a leaf like this Assassin Bug probestpestmanagementDSC09688. I also tend to investigate wood rot and fungus probestpestmanagementDSC09673 or something like this probestpestDSC09676.

So as you are out hiking don’t forget the small stuff.

Liberty Wildlife – Hummingbirds


Liberty Wildlife is committed to nurturing the nature of Arizona by providing quality wildlife rehabilitation, environmental education, and conservation services for the community.

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From time to time even the smallest need a helping hand, we assist Liberty with an ongoing rodent issue and fly control. How about making a donation to Liberty to help the cause.

Dr Bug a man a mission, spreading facts bugs/reptiles.

Dr Bug wants to thank Ms. Kelli and Mr. Mike and all the young adults for a great session at the Chandler Environmental Education Center. They came from the Extended Family Disability Services, LLC in Chandler, AZ and supplied me some pictures of our time together. I wanted to share these pictures, I had such a great time. Not everyone enjoyed the snakes but hopefully they learned something about the bugs and reptiles.

I made some new friends today and I hope we can get together again for some Bug Zoo type activities.

Everyone is welcome to stop by the office, we have all kinds of critters and from time to time we change things around. Typically snakes, bearded dragon and a spider but we change it up.

ProBest Pest Management 425 W. Guadalupe Road #110, Gilbert, Arizona 85233 602-249-7378

Dr Bug

Dr Bug

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ProBest Pest Management wins a spot in “Top 50 Bug”

bug-award-150x150You know even when you consider that there are probably 15,000 pest companies in the USA, I consider just a mention quite the big event. So to be named right up there with this group is a very high honor. The first 10 are home seals are from Entomologists and if you have a chance check them out, I probably get to each one on a monthly basis. his pictures alone are fascinating and well worth a closer look. The rest of the 40 are from the Pest Control Industry and provide a wealth of great real facts versus what you might find on a search of the web. Some of my buddies are on the list “The Bug Doctor” from Florida and of course Invader Pest Management  – I’ve known Fred since I moved to Arizona in 1999.

Thanks to Organic Pest Control from NYC for giving ProBest Pest Management this award.

Olive trees and their fruit, what can you do?


Olive trees are a wonderful addition to any landscape but the fruit can be a real pain and somewhat unappealing sight to your yard. When the fruit ripens usually between January and April it can create a real mess and worse when its tracked into a home or business. So what can be done?

A growth regulator can be applied to the tree which will stop the tree from producing fruit. We use Ethephon 2 Plant Growth Regulator, for best results applications should be made before fruit sets. Application to the tree should be thorough and uniform coverage of the foliage.

So give ProBest Pest Management a call to stop those Olive trees from fruiting and causing undo damage to sidewalk and driveways. We also do a weed service and those weeds are really abundant right now.


Tort Reform?

Tort Reform

Tort reform? I think all of us remember that now famous issue with the very HOT coffee incident years ago, but a little information just as a reminder. A lady ordered coffee at a fast food restaurant and put if between her legs and it spilled or the cup broke anyway HOT coffee in her lap.

First off – Don’t put hot coffee between your legs, I would think that goes without saying! But apparently not. Well here is another one of those stories.

Lawsuit: Bedbugs cost H-F Coach her Dreadlocks.”       So anyway here is my take on this issue.

  1. Bed Bugs DON’T live on humans. Lice do but not Bed Bugs.
  2. It sounds like the hotel, responded to the complaint next door and it sounds like they inspected adjacent rooms. Good Job. (I’m only reading a report of the incident, I wasn’t there.)
  3. With all the talk of Bed Bugs everyone should be aware of these little bugs.
  4. I’ve mentioned this before, Don’t Panic – don’t throw away mattresses and I see no reason to cut your hair. I know the creep factor is involved but come on, let’s not go overboard. $50,000 lawsuit see this is why we need Tort Reform. (my opinion)

I gave a talk years ago on Exceptional Customer Service – Do you know why all those items we use daily have warnings on them? Superman costume – not equipped to actually fly, lawnmower – do not place hands under mower when mower is operating, its because someone did it? I do realize we all do some dumb stuff but shouldn’t we really take responsibility for our own actions? So what do you think?


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