All posts in “602-249-7378”

What was my favorite Scout Merit Badge?


I’ll bet you are going to answer Insect Study? Well it actually wasn’t that one but First Aid to Animals. FirstAidtoAnimals

The main reason is that it wasn’t created until 1985 and I received my Eagle Scout award in 1971. I especially enjoyed hanging out with the Veterinarian, we went on rural farm calls and he gave me a chance to check out a pregnant cow. I learned a great deal and had an awesome time for several months one summer.

So what Merit Badge was your favorite?

I do teach a few Merit Badges at our office in Gilbert, AZ. They include Insect Study and Reptile Study. So if you are interested please feel free to contact my office 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176.

Freaky nature show in New Orleans

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I have spent many days and many hours in New Orleans, LA working on and studing termites. Termite swarms occur at different times of the day generally on the east coast of the U.S. Subterranean termites generally swarm in eary afternoon, drywood termites usually in late afternoon and Formosan termites in the evening. As an avid bug guy, I have to say that I love swarms. Whether its a Harvestor ant swarm or honeybees, I love them all. It is kind of funny, but many years ago when some of the termite baits came to the market and then Termidor came – many people thought that the termites would just go away. Never happened and probably never will. As great as those products are – the bugs continue to win.

Holy rattlesnake – Batman!

POW, CRACK  – actually it was more like JUMP, Heart races and loose control of my —–


One of my first encounters with a rattlesnake, probably 5 1/2 to 5 foot and probably stood up at least a foot. Scared me – I guess it doesn’t matter if you have never heard that sound or not but you are likely never to forget it.

Storm Shield – Garage Door Seal


 Storm Shield®


Weatherseals, hardware and Accessories for the Garage Door Industry.

Garage Door Threshold
Storm Shield is also available in a consumer friendly retail kit for your showroom display.

Keeps out rodents, snakes and small pests including scorpions and spiders. Resistant to oil, gas, antifreeze, and other commonly used chemical substances Saves money by reducing energy loss. Reduces rust and moisture damage to tools and machinery Endures temperatures extremes – won’t crack, move or shatter. Comes with two – year residential warranty. Made in the U.S.A. Meets California Fire Marshal and CPAI- requirements for flame resistance.

Call ProBest Pest Management for installation guidelines and costs 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176

Ants have it going on, do they succeed because they are social?

Ants have it going on, do they succeed because they are social?


You may recall that Carpenter Ants are my nemesis and thankfully we don’t have very many of these ants in Arizona. But this story talks about their complex social structure.

“A particular genus of carpenter ants (Camponotus fellah) exist in a complex social structure, where their first jobs see them caring for the queen and her offspring, and as the ants age many of them wind up working at more and more of a distance from the big cheese, according to an academic paper released this week.” By Jack Clark in San Francisco.

Carpenter Ants don’t really eat the wood but spend countless hours excavating throughout the wood and that might be your home. So if you have them call a Pest Management Professional right away.


What do bugs really want?

What do bugs really want?  stinkbugs


Plain and simple they want food, water and a home? That is exactly what we can and often times do provide them. Now the key to getting rid of them is by getting rid of one of those key essential things that they need to survive. The BIG problem is that we don’t often think about bugs when creating a home. We create little hiding areas, we water our plants and we leave our dog dishes out with food in them.

Our homes are the perfect environment for them, we have heat in the winter and cooler temps in the summer, we have lights on our houses which also may atttract them. See,  they really don’t understand and probably could care less but the light, heat etc  attracts them.

So here is the true test – you have to make your home uninviting to those guests you don’t want living at your home. Get yellow lights, seal your home and water sparingly and you may become the one house in your neighborhood where the bugs won’t make their homes.


Messy pigeons and birds

Messy pigeons and birds


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I understand that we build our homes out of wood right on top of the termites and that we design houses without thinking about pests. Sometimes I wish more would think about creating perfect habitats which can cause us pains and aggravations.

There are fixes to these issues but sometimes they look messy no matter what you do, there are some products that can be used like repellents which can be hidden. You can be a Do It Yourselfer but think about the after pictures and will it look professional and nice.

As always you can always call ProBest Pest Management for advice – 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176

Given the GreenLight!

Given the GreenLight!


Way back in 2005 the Professional Pest Management Alliance (PPMA) indicated this statistic:

72% of Homeowners surveyed agree that their pest control company providers help me protect my health”.

Do you agree, what if you found flies in your home or cockroaches or more importantly what if you suddenly found Bed Bugs? I’ll bet you would agree quite quickly and that is why I’m sure that that figure above is right on up there.

85% of the people that purchase pest control are women, parents (either Mom or Dad) these days generally have the role of Protector’s of the Home. While some may do their own pest control,  more and more are choosing to call a  Pest Management Professional especially when they encounter something as nasty as Bed Bugs. When seeking a Pest Management Professional you can check out the National Pest Management website at and receive information on a QualityPro member.

Give us the GreenLight to manage those pests at your home or business.

Pest Control by ProBest Pest Management

Pest Control by ProBest Pest Management



Bugs tremble at the sound of my name “Dr. Bug”  ProBest Pest Management


I’m not kidding, I live in Phoenix and have only seen four bugs in my house in the last 10 years.  Two American Cockroaches, one in master bathroom shower and one downstairs. One beetle (no idea what kind)  but it was trying to hide in an electrical outlet cover and some black ants. Not bad but just the mere presence scares these bugs enough, that they know not to mess with the “James Bond” of pest control. A customer just last week called to complain of bugs and by the time I walked in they were all dead. Hahaha – maybe it’s my new thing, no pest control just (IPM)  Integrated Pest Management without any pesticides. Just me wishing the bugs DEAD.

Just another reason to call ProBest Pest Management 602-249-7378, I know what you are thinking why call when I should call you – I’m not Physic…. Just really good at my job!

My tech’s are smarter than your tech’s!

My tech’s are smarter than your tech’s!


I’m fascinated with those bumper stickers that people put on their vehicles. Remember those “Baby on Board” stickers, or those “My Dog is Smarter than your Honor Student”. Well I’m being sarcastic about my tech’s being smarter but they do get a lot of training to do their jobs. I would stack them up against the Industry Pro’s out there, I think they are hands above on training against the Pest Control Industry .


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