All posts in “(623) 414-0176”

What was my favorite Scout Merit Badge?


I’ll bet you are going to answer Insect Study? Well it actually wasn’t that one but First Aid to Animals. FirstAidtoAnimals

The main reason is that it wasn’t created until 1985 and I received my Eagle Scout award in 1971. I especially enjoyed hanging out with the Veterinarian, we went on rural farm calls and he gave me a chance to check out a pregnant cow. I learned a great deal and had an awesome time for several months one summer.

So what Merit Badge was your favorite?

I do teach a few Merit Badges at our office in Gilbert, AZ. They include Insect Study and Reptile Study. So if you are interested please feel free to contact my office 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176.

Storm Shield – Garage Door Seal


 Storm Shield®


Weatherseals, hardware and Accessories for the Garage Door Industry.

Garage Door Threshold
Storm Shield is also available in a consumer friendly retail kit for your showroom display.

Keeps out rodents, snakes and small pests including scorpions and spiders. Resistant to oil, gas, antifreeze, and other commonly used chemical substances Saves money by reducing energy loss. Reduces rust and moisture damage to tools and machinery Endures temperatures extremes – won’t crack, move or shatter. Comes with two – year residential warranty. Made in the U.S.A. Meets California Fire Marshal and CPAI- requirements for flame resistance.

Call ProBest Pest Management for installation guidelines and costs 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176

Messy pigeons and birds

Messy pigeons and birds


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I understand that we build our homes out of wood right on top of the termites and that we design houses without thinking about pests. Sometimes I wish more would think about creating perfect habitats which can cause us pains and aggravations.

There are fixes to these issues but sometimes they look messy no matter what you do, there are some products that can be used like repellents which can be hidden. You can be a Do It Yourselfer but think about the after pictures and will it look professional and nice.

As always you can always call ProBest Pest Management for advice – 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176

I think I need this – it’s like a Bat signal.

I think I need this – it’s like a Bat signal.


The Bat-Signal is a distress signal device appearing in the various interpretations of the Batman series. Just like Batman has his Bat signal, I think I should have a Bug signal. This could or would alert me to respond maybe when my phone rings.

This last week the Batmobile sold for $4.6 million to somebody who lives right here in the Valley, by the way if the owner reads this we (ProBest) would be happy to assist in pest control for your residence. Got to keep that great machine free of anything nasty.

I do know one thing for sure, I couldn’t afford the car but maybe I could afford the light ($9.95) but out of stock I noticed. So until I get a Bug – Signal you still have to call us. 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176


Choosing the Best!

How do you decide on a pest or termite company to service your home? May we suggest some ideas.

Call a Pro… Call the Best. ProBest!

Boy this is a scary photo…

Boy this is a scary photo, always take care when placing your hand anywhere!


You go shopping and pick up a roll or two of toilet apper and you take it home and put it on the spindel. Never in your wildest imagination do you think there is something lurking in the dark. I’m even freaked out by this photo! Pest Control is often done at facilites that make products but along the way hitchhikers can and do get onto pallets. Its essential that we all take the time to be observant.

Take care and call ProBest Pest Management if you want us to take care of the bugs and spiders in your life….

Water damage to your wood home.

Water damage can occur and ruin your wood home.

water damage

water damage

Water can be the life blood or it can even cause issues with the way we build homes in the way it causes water damage. When flashing on a roof allows water to seep in, the wood gets wet and then dries. Chimneys are often the cause if incorrectly fitted with flashing. This interaction causes brown cubicle rot, this rot looks like a wood burnt piece of wood. It is really important to understand this action and take precautions against it. When water does enter a home it takes the path of least resistance and often follows a path straight down. This often causes the water to seep through the termiticide in the ground and could allow termites to enter that area. The more water through a termiticide barrier, breaks down the termiticide and may allow termites into the structure.

This fungus also would generally fail a (WDIIR) Wood Destroying Insect Infestation Report, bear in mind that this report doesn’t get into a lengthy discussion on water and fungus but typically relates to termites and other insects. Letting mold grow unchecked in your home can have negative consequences both for your checkbook and your health. Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce allergens and irritants. Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return. Typically in Arizona we don’t have to worry about moisture levels but if there is a water leak it needs to corrected immediately. Just remember mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors. As always if you find that you have wood rot please give us a call at 602-249-7378 ProBest Pest Management.

Premise versus Termidor or Transport

In 1995 Premise became available as the first non-repellent termiticide and it lead the way for non-repellents. So why the big deal? Most termiticides up to that point were repellents – generally when a termite came close to the product they were repelled and went away. That is unless there was an opening, then they just made their way into your home. The issue I have (my opinion) with Premise is that it is water solvable and can move within the soil. An interesting note about Premise is that it causes termites to stop feeding and to stop socializing with other termites. After those termites are exposed to even small amounts (very few parts per million) of Premise they wander around in a state of confusion until they eventually die. When large amounts of termites die in the same place, this may cause the termite to block and/or avoid those tunnels and make act as a repellent to other termites. The other issue is water solubility and that once in the ground there is reason to believe that it moves (see information below).

These excerpts are taken from the pdf listed above and are the reason for my use of Termidor and Transport versus Premise.

Soil: The high water solubility and low Koc for imidacloprid indicates a low tendency for adsorption to soil particles. Field studies have produced a wide range in half-life values (t1/2) from 27 to 229 days (Miles, Inc., 1992; Mobay Chemical Corp., 1992). Scholz et al. (1992) found that imidacloprid degradation was more rapid in soils with cover crops than in bare soils, with a t1/2 of 48 and 190 days, respectively. Degradation on soil via photolysis has a t1/2 of 39 days. The half-life of imidacloprid in the soil tends to increase as soil pH increases (Sarkar et al., 2001). In the absence of light, the longest half-life of imidacloprid was 229 days in field studies and 997 days in laboratory studies (Miles, Inc., 1992; Mobay Chemical Corp., 1992). This persistence in soil in the absence of light makes imidacloprid suitable for seed treatment and incorporated soil application because it allows continual availability for uptake by roots (Mullins, 1993). Thus, imidacloprid can persist in soil depending on soil type, pH, use of organic fertilizers, and presence or absence of ground cover.

The leaching potential of imidacloprid when applied via chemigation was explored by Felsot et al. (1998). In this study, imidacloprid was applied to a fine sandy loam soil through a subsurface drip system installed in an experimental hops field. After seven days of irrigation applied at a depth of 0.38 cm of water per day, the insecticide was detected at the maximum sampled soil depth of 105 cm at concentrations as high as 120 ppb. Although the amount of irrigation water applied was not matched to local evapotranspiration and may have resulted in saturated soil, the study demonstrated the potential for imidacloprid residues to move downward through the soil with percolating water. Júnior et al. (2004) discovered that preferential transport through macropores might facilitate downward imidacloprid movement through heavy clay soils that are not normally considered conducive to leaching.

Water Damage can occur inside or outside.

Water Damage can occur inside or outside.



Depending on circumstances water can leak or enter wood in a variety of ways. Improper flashing at a roof or leakage near a shower of bath can result in damage occurring and often times tracing its way to the ground. If this happens it can reduce the amount of termiticide needed to prevent termites from entering a home.

Termites are a threat to your home and result in over 5 billion dollars of damage each year in the U.S. Termite treatment is a job best handled by Professional Pest Management companies due to the equipment and techniques needed to perform the work.

Termite Super Highway’s…

Termite Super Highway’s…



Termites build these tunnels or tubes as a highway into our homes. In nature they would eat and consume fallen trees and convert them back into fertilizer for future trees and bushes. Then we decide to build homes right on top of them and then they decide to eat our homes, what a vicious cycle! Termites build these tunnels for protection against ants and other enemies along with humidity control.

So now is the time to look for these little highways into your home, call ProBest if you see anything like this! 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176

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