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Are you facing bug problems at your home/business?

Got bug problems?

Bugs and bug problems are a realty of life but there is no reason to put up with them at your home or business, right? Your family is most important to you, how about friends and coworkers? I’m reminded of the recent issue with United Airlines. Not the one where they hauled that guy off the plane but the scorpion incident. Someone once told me there is no such thing as bad press, United Airlines may argue that point with you. So what is a good ad to project that you know bug/pest control? I think the ad below reflects a good sign of competence in Pest Management, along with knowledge of the bug business and good reviews. Tell me what you think?

bug problems

bug problems

Cat ad 4 best pest company – ProBest Pest Management

Cat ad delivers message to viewers

You know I’m really not a cat person, I like dogs. Yes I know more people these days own cats than dogs but hey what can I say. There is this World renown Entomologist in Florida that despises cats and he frequently makes fun of all types. He even includes jabs at training events and a magazine his University publishes. To me they are finicky while dogs will generally play and come to you no matter what. Cats are just cats, no more no less. Did you know that all dogs come from wolves, I mean there are all kinds small and large, tall and short, ugly and cute (all in the eye of the beholder) well you get the drift. I guess they have been around a long time, I guess their good mousers (well most of them). But at least the one below knows something good.[embedyt][/embedyt]



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