All posts in “alley”




Trash isn’t always an issue, but it can create some favorite problems and headaches in the way of pests. Its not just rodents, but critters, birds and insect pests as well. This alleyway situation might not be concern, but it will add up influence the neighborhood. If I was an owner of a home, I would try to rally the neighborhood troop to a clean-up day monthly. This benefits the entire community, oh and it might make you the hero.

What do you look for as you clean?

  1. Obviously, the trash, is it being eaten by an animal?
  2. Do the lids close properly?
  3. Are they relatively clean, inside and out?
  4. Do the can have holes?
  5. Do transients make their home in alley?
  6. Take care on needles and other hazards, report issues to Police.

What do you do if you spot activity of the rodent kind?


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