All posts in “animals”




Badgers are short-legged omnivores and they are related to ferrets, minks, otters, weasels and wolverines. They prefer dry, open grasslands, though they are very adaptable. Some live in quarries, hedgerows, woods, and desert areas. American badgers are found in the Great Plains region of North America. They can also be found in the western United States, central western Canadian provinces and in the mountainous areas of Mexico.

Did you know that we had them in Arizona, I didn’t? It was a surprise when I got the call and more of a surprise when I saw it. Animals take advantage of our living conditions to set up their homes. Be very careful as they tend to be aggressive and vicious.

Winter Weather

Winter Weather

Winter Weather


Winter weather generally means all of us are cold and that means critters as well. So as we are trying to maintain our houses, pests are trying to get in. Any hole or opportunity will allow them inside. I would recommend the use of IPM, the art of using everything at your fingertips and then getting to pesticide if you have to.

  • Do a monthly or at least quarterly check of your property.
  • Seal any cracks or holes on the home, use caulking or steel wool if rodents are involved. Remember mice need a hole the size of a dime. Rats require something in the area of a quarter to gain entry. Seal it with steel or copper wool and calking or cement.
  • Remove, replace any wood rot and seal it if possible.
  • Keep trash receptacles closed and clean and away from house.
  • Keep bushes, trees and vines away from the house.
  • Keep wood trim painted or sealed to keep away pests.
  • Keep water usage to a minimum, make sure you’re not collecting water in certain areas.
  • If you have a crawlspace keep it clean and dry, always good to keep it ventilated as well.
  • Once a year have a termite inspection done, they can also perform a pest inspection.
  • When in doubt, or maybe you don’t understand the pest – time to hire a Professional call 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176

The picture is of bait in a rodent station and as you can see activity is taking place. The bricks show that something is gnawing at it, the next visit may or may not show more evidence but rodents should on the down swing.

Whats eating you?

Whose eating the fruit?

Somebody is eating the fruit. I think it’s rodents eating the grapefruit and pumpkin, when you make it easy for the animals/wildlife the next step is entry into your home. I tell everybody, it is extremely important to pick up the fruit that has fallen. No sense feeding any unwanted pest from the neighborhood. Unless of course that is your idea. I know birds will also eat the fruit but uninvited pests are sure to show up.

Oranges, lemons, limes and left over pumpkins are open season for any animal or wildlife. Rodents are prolific breeders and require a lot of food to raise their young. Essential to the control of rodents, eliminate harborage or shelter, reduce water and eliminate food sources. If you can control these factors the rodent population should be controlled.



Raccoon – Tragedy on a Phoenix Street

Raccoon plush toys – The things I see?

Stuffed toys raccoon etc. I’m on the road a lot and I encounter some really scary things, I was at a house one day when I heard a loud crash. I ran down the street and saw two young girls on the street involved in and accident. They attempted to cross the road and not at an intersection, I later heard that one of the young girls had died.

This is just a stuffed critter Raccoon that someone has discarded on the side of the street. I just don’t understand how people can just toss stuff from their cars. People have to clean this stuff up and guess who pays for this – you and me in taxes.


Squirrel Intruder enters home

Squirrel gets in thru Doggie Door

Can you only imagine the terror, what would your dog do? Or for that matter what would your children do when they encounter the squirrel? Well I guess most of us don’t want to think about what that outcome could be. But it is something to think about, right?

So most of us don’t consider that doggie door and issue, I once had an unknown cat decide to come in and my dog did not care for this at all. I also had a pigeon come into my house via the chimney and it got soot everywhere until I could get it outside. Lets take special care to check on these things, maybe the flue got stuck or the plastic door piece needs replacing. Prevention is with a pound of cure and as always call ProBest if you need an opinion or cure. 480-831-9328 and thanks



Scary things living in your attic?

A bump in the night in your attic!

It might sound strange, but if you hear noises at night in the attic it may not be your imagination. Maybe those bumps in the night might be coming from inside your attic. Even the smallest of holes allow mice and insects such as honeybees access into your home. I always suggest that you do periodic checks of your home especially the attic to basically keep an eye out for trouble makers. Birds and even larger animals can gain access into crawlspaces & attics. As a result this can cause concern and sometimes it is a real pain to get rid of them. Honeybee are always on the search here in Arizona for a new place to live. Honeybees often swarm in Spring and Fall since we have a somewhat higher temperature throughout the year. If you notice bees going into your home use extreme caution as they may be very dangerous. Once you have made them MAD, you can’t take it back. They can stay agitated for 8+ hours, they can sting dogs, neighbors and children.




Spring Is here and the bugs may be at your door

Spring is here

So Spring has finally arrived ohhhh and we finally see that April the Giraffe had her baby boy. It’s a Facebook thing and this Giraffe has been expecting for well over a month and I all think we wish it would arrive and that includes April. This season is a time of rebirth, the trees and bushes start the process of new leaves and the animals including  starting the process of new babies. As Spring goes into Summer the temperatures will push the bugs into cooler climates such as your home or business. So please keep an eye on eaves, roof-lines and sheds where we see more activity from honeybees etc.

I was sitting in my car on the overpass at the US 60 and Gilbert Road last week and a swarm flew right into and over us, glad my windows were rolled up. Watch the video on Honeybees . Take some time to smell the flowers life is to short to miss the fun stuff – relax take some time.

Spring blooming cactus

Spring blooming cactus


Leptospirosis Pets and Familiy

Leptospirosis, bacterial disease

A recent outbreak of Leptospirosis was recently confirmed in Maricopa County. Over 60 dogs tested positive, so I prepared video to help identify what you can do to protect your dog, cats, pets and family. Leptospirosis, is a bacterial disease that can affect people and animals, has been on the rise in Maricopa County dogs since February, 2016. The bacteria that causes this disease is spread in the urine of infected animals, including rodents, wildlife, pets, and livestock. If you suspect your pet may have this bacteria virus please consult your Veterinarian.

First of all, I stopped taking Gracie my dog (I think she is a beagle coker spaniel mix) to parks.  I’m concerned with her picking up ticks and now this nasty disease. If you take precautions, we should be able to stop this but consult your Veterinarian. I use Lookout Mountain on Cave Creek Road and highly recommend them. They have taken care of both my dogs and are personable and know their pets.


Gracie negative Leptospirosis

Gracie negative Leptospirosis


Dangerous Wildlife?


I saw this wildlife warning the other day at the Vet’s Office, they can indeed be on the lookout for food and your pets could be that meal. Other wildlife can carry disease and also attack, squirrels can be quite aggressive if they are hungry and of course Javelina’s  can also be temperamental when cornered or frightened. This is also the season in AZ for rattlesnakes and spiders so please guard your pets and children. Animals often look all crudely and those looks can be deceiving, they can turn on you in an instant. If that animals bites you and you can’t locate it, you may have to have those rabies shots and those are scary. They can also be dangerous for pets, coyotes can jump fences and birds of prey can swoop right on in and grab a small cat or dog.




Liberty Wildlife and all the great things they do?

Dedicated to serving our wildlife friends:

Liberty Wildlife is committed to nurturing the nature of Arizona by providing quality wildlife rehabilitation, environmental education, and conservation services for the community.

Liberty Wildlife envision a time when wildlife is recognized as an integral part of our natural world, and a precious natural resource, to be protected and preserved.

They envision being a permanent community resource, a place to instill compassion and stewardship in young minds and a place to reconnect the public with the beauty and benefits of native wildlife and habitat.

They envision a time when the community as a whole participates in the safekeeping of the natural world.

To nurture the nature of Arizona through wildlife rehabilitation, natural history education and conservation services to the community.

How can you help – Liberty donate please to a great cause


Liberty Wildlife 20160502_083549

Liberty Wildlife

Liberty 20160502_083557


Max Bessler with an Bald Eagle

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