All posts in “aranas”

OK wouldn’t this scare the #%*^@ out of you?


Family finds hundreds of potentially deadly spiders in pack of bananas.”

The arachnids may have been Brazilian wandering spiders, which have venom deadly enough to kill humans, but this has not yet been confirmed.

You know where I stand on spiders, but this would freak me out. This story was from Hednesford, England. I always check bananas when I buy them, but it just goes to show you – check your fruit and vegetables before taking them home.

32_Brown Recluse Spider

Photo provided by PPMA

Here in Arizona we have a relative to the Brown Recluse spider –  Arizona Brown spider. Take care their bite is dangerous, may kill living flesh and cause other debilitating illness.

Recent question on Pest Control…

probestpestmanagementDSC06525qq   Ask Dr. Bug……………

Last week someone mentioned they had flying bugs in their home, they brought in some samples and they turned out to be Whiteflies. I immediately put on my detective hat and began to ask questions. Had they brought in any plants recently and bingo that was the answer I thought I would hear? A lot of times if we just think about what conditions may have changed and we may get to the right answer.

Whiteflies usually occur in groups on the undersides of leaves. All stages suck plant juice and can damage the plant if numbers are high enough. A few years ago someone had a similar occurrence and they had a potted plant at their front door. Every time they opened the door the whiteflies got sucked right into the home.

Got a question or need some help to identify something, send it to [email protected] and I’ll help to identify and give you some options on control.

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