All posts in “bed bugs”

200x’s the sniffer – Bed Bug Dogs

200x’s the sniffer – Bed Bug Dogs


I’m all about efficiency but the Bed Bug dogs got it going on. I had this school that thought they might have an issue with Bed Bugs and I thought WOW just how many places could a Bed Bug hide. Well I can now tell you – thousands maybe tens of thousands. From carpet tack strips to electrical outlets, from back packs and wall paintings to – well you get the picture right – anyplace where there is a crack or crevice. It only takes a small space ——————————– maybe that line right there to hide something like a Bed Bug. That dog Olivia was amazing, she went around the room with her handler and sniffed and sniffed, this would have taken me hours and I might have missed something.

Come on look at that face – only a Bed Bug should be scared!

What sucks your body and wallet dry?

What sucks your body and wallet dry?


I know what you are thinking “Uncle Sam” or the Federal Government, right! The inevitable blood sucking tax man or could it be “Bed Bugs at the Federal Building in Cleveland, Ohio“. This last month it happens that the library in (Hamden, CT), Sinai Hospital, Firehouses and the Federal Buildings are being hit by these little biters.

So let’s reflect on this Bed Bugs are NOT going away, we must all be vigilant. They are popping up everywhere from libraries to hospitals, from movie theaters to high end cloths stores and everywhere in between. If you travel take care not to bring them home and if you get them, don’t waste your money on Do It Yourself (DIY) products – they can work but it’s the knowledge you need to treat effectively. Check out our website for further details on this pest at ProBest Pest Management.

What’s in your attic?

What’s in your attic?


Have you ever been in your attic or crawlspace? I’ll bet like most you probably haven’t and I don’t recommend doing it from April to September here in Arizona. The temperatures could be in the high 150’s and you wouldn’t want to pass out up there and die from heat exhaustion. But anyway back to the real story: it is important from time to time to at least walk around your home and look up to the roof-line to make sure you don’t have openings in the soffett which would allow animals or birds to enter. The same can be said of insects like honeybees, which can also cause extreme conditions after they are eliminated. A quick glance will let you know what critters might be in the attic, rodent feces and rub marks could certainly be an indication of present problems and warrants a further look. Remember that secondary pests might become a nuisance after you solve the main problem of the original pest ie: bird mites, ticks or fleas – bat bugs etc. So if you can prevent the initial encounter – you may prevent the entire mess.


FTC Consumer Alert

FTC Consumer Alert and this article on deceptive claims on advertisement “FTC Takes Action“. I constantly hear people say things that are just not true or factual. Bed Bugs do not jump, I don’t care what you have heard they cannot jump. They may be able to fall into cuffs of pants or onto clothes and hitchhike in a lot of different ways. The biggest item is that you must throw away everything, not true use common sense just like the article above suggests. It isn’t always necessary to throw away mattresses or dressers, they may be old and you may want to discard them but in 99% of the cases a Pest Management Professional can treat and eliminate the Bed Bugs without damaging the article.

These sites listed above can be a valuable tool in getting rid of Bed Bugs and that Creep Factor associated with them.


Got Bed Bugs – Call ProBest Pest Management!

I really think I can handle this on my own, what must I do?

I must emphasize that this really a job for a Professional Pest Management company – you need the proper equipment to tackle this problem. You must kill adults and eggs. If you don’t, it can make it more of an issue later for the Pest Management Technician. ProBest employs a Commercial steam machine, vacuum and the proper pesticides used according to Label and Material Safety Data Sheets instructions. We also sell box spring and mattress covers, “climb up” bedbug devices and other products designed to help you with this problem. Please call our office or speak to a technician about these products. Fogging and the use of bug bombs will not work and often drive these pests deeper into cracks and crevices.

Check out our website for further information

New Mexico Pest Management Continuing Education Tour

What’s a tech to do; everybody is seeing Bed Bugs…
 Delusional Parasitosis!

Yours truly was asked to participate again with the New Mexico Pest Management continuing education tour, this event is held each year and are held in Las Cruces, Roswell and Albuquerque. I really enjoy this event and have asked over the years for a spot in the program. I started attending this event probably 10 years ago and had the opportunity to speak and I love the crowd and the electricity that flows from the participants.

One of the things I like most about the event is that I focus on items that a technician can relate to, most have seen the biology and control aspects of the bugs unless they are new to the pest industry. So I focus on what they can do to help their customers and themselves, stay tuned and maybe I’ll have some pictures of this event.


–    What’s the hype? Hysteria!

  • Is it Bed Bugs, mites, fleas or ticks or is it Delusional Parasitosis?

–    Customer Service.

–    What procedure does your company have?

–    How do you discuss options and findings?

–    How do you cover yourself and your company from the CREEP FACTOR?

–    OPEN discussion ———

Got Bed Bugs – Call ProBest Pest Management!

The Verifi™ bed bug detector offers homeowners and property manager’s huge new advantages over traditional detection methods. Not only is Verifi a more affordable, more discreet way to determine if a bed bug infestation is present, it works around the clock to help give you continuous peace of mind.

Featuring replaceable attractants, the Verifi bed bug detector is the first device to provide ongoing detection for up to 90 days at a time. Your pest management professional can quickly and easily replace the attractants on a regular basis for year-round monitoring. Designed to fit behind beds and other furnishings and operate silently, the Verifi bed bug detector won’t disturb occupants in a room.

Even if you don’t currently have bed bugs, the continuous detection of the Verifi bed bug detector helps alert you to any newly-introduced bed bug populations at an earlier stage. Early detection of bed bugs can increase the success and decrease the cost of your treatment program.

Check out our website for further details

Bed Bug job – Day 3, The Follow-up.

Bed Bug job – Day 3, Invader Pest Management & ProBest Pest Management


One of the rules in any any Bed Bug treatment is the follow-up, how do you known if the job was successful? One of the simplest ways is by asking if anyone is being bitten? This doesn’t always work because some people respond differently to Bed Bug bites, so ProBest Pest management installed some Verifi™ (Monitoring and Detection) devices within the home. These units have a 3 fold way of attracting Bed Bugs:

  • Verifi Co2 Booster Pack – Carbon Dioxide – something we breath out and the Bed Bugs are attracted to.
  • Pheromone lure – encourages Bed Bugs to gather and aggregate into a harborage area.
  • Kairomone  lure – this device is used to mimic a blood source meal, that’s us.


This was a FREE job (Paying It Forward) and I want to thank Channel 3, Meredith Yeomans for coming up with the story and the deserving folks for the story. I also want to say thanks to the deserving folks for letting us take over their home and giving us the opportunity to help them. I also want to thank Invader Pest Management – who gave us a hand because I knew I couldn’t do this job without their experience and equipment. Thanks Fred, Danny and Peter.

Pest Control Companies: Have you done a Bed Bug job or other interesting job Pro Bono – FREE. Tell us about it and Thanks for Paying It Forward!


Bed Bug job – Day 2, part 1 – The Treatment.

Bed Bug job – Day 2, Invader Pest Management & ProBest Pest Management


We stayed in contact working with the customer to help de-clutter the home, not always possible after you have collected this stuff for years. We helped the customer by giving them some Nu-van strips to put into the bags that eventually went outside to sit in the sun. The nice thing about Arizona – it’s HOT and just for the record it’s also monsoon season so it’s really muggy and humid. So the day to treat has arrived and are first goal is to do a walk through, make sure all the aerosol containers have been removed and anything else that could warp or melt with the extreme heat. OK on to the heat, room by room to somewhere between 140° and 160° degrees for a sufficient amount of time to exterminate the Bed Bugs.


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