All posts in “bird control”

Front door wreaths and the birds

2014-06-12 08.14.40I really thought thought this was cute, the bird thinking that the wreath was indeed nature decided to make it’s nest.

Lucky for the dove the owner decided to let nature takes its course.

Not all birds and or people are so forgiving, pigeons will roost and nest anywhere. Pigeons will lay eggs, poop and allow dead chicks to inhabit their old nesting. While this scene above may be cute, don’t allow birds to nest in attics. The amount of fecal material and the parasites may cause real issues within a home.

  1. Check entry point from outside, check those louvered vents.
  2. Check weep screens which allow attics to breath.
  3. If you have a/c on roof, enclose the bottom.
  4. Check chimney for screening.


probestpestmanagementDSC05903   So you did the work and excluded those pigeons but wait they are still hanging out. Annoying? Yes it is.


Sometimes they just won’t move and the second part of the battle begins. May I suggest a tube of PIGNX, designed to get on their feet and they won’t like it much.

I think of it similar to when we get Super Glue on our fingers, that stuff won’t come off and it is very annoying. Isn’t it?

Some one called me late to the party, what’s going on with the pigeons?






The first thing I noticed beside the number of pigeons was all the mess on the garage door. I was sure what was going on but they were pretty content just hanging out in this community. What can you do to keep the population of pigeons down in your neighborhood?

  1. Obviously #1 would be not to feed or encourage them.
  2. Keep nesting sites unavailable to them, this would include hardware cloth and spikes if necessary.
  3. Stationary owls don’t work, they become accustom to the devices.
  4. Poisoning is not the answer. I’ve heard of people throwing mothballs into their nesting areas, this could be extremely dangerous to other critters and children.

Pigeons can be a nuisance, what can you do?


When is one too many? Pigeons tend to gather where they feel safe and by the looks of this home – this is the one. I personally thinks it is time to call ProBest Pest Management 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176.

  • Pigeons will eat anything.
  • They can live 3-5 years.
  • Mate for life.
  • Average speed can be over 75 mph.
  • Considered to be the #1 pest bird problem in the U.S.
  • A single pigeon can create over 25 pounds of feces each year.
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