All posts in “black widow”

Something sneaky came our way, what was it?

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Well it didn’t surprise at all, when you see this many crickets you are bound to see a spider or two. Let me tell you this Black Widow was huge, she was almost the size of a quarter. Rodent stations are ideal for hiding, minimal intrusion and plenty of space until we show up that is.

Beware the venomous spiders, DANGER!

Photo by PPMA

Photo by PPMA

I’m not a big fan of spiders, so when I’m doing work around the outside of my house I always wears gloves. I suggest anytime you do work around the yard, attic, outside or in the garage wear gloves. It’s been a long time that a death has occurred in Arizona but you really don’t need the aggravation or pain of a bite. What do you look for with Black Widow Spiders?

  1. Irregular webbing, sticky.
  2. A spider hanging upside down.
  3. A Black spider with a red hour mark on its belly, or we have the Brown Widow and it has spots sometimes.
  4. They like dark and quiet areas.

Black Widow webs

The female Black Widow usually spends time hanging from her web, this web is often times small to medium size irregular in shape. They can also hide in corners or recessed area where there is some protection.







The web itself is a bit crackly or even somewhat brittle. Just be careful touching it as she may decide to come charging out, she may think you are dinner caught in her web.

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