All posts in “borders”

Why do they allow import of old used tires?


How often do you think a new bug makes it to our shores? Have you ever thought how did that bug make it into the USA? Sometimes we make it easy for the bug to travel, like when you move from one state on the east coast to the west and you bring boxes which were in storage. We brought Mongoose to Hawaii for the rats and that didn’t work, nobody thought about the rat being nocturnal and the Mongoose is out during the day. Asian Tiger Mosquitoes (carries viruses like Dengue & West Nile) were accidentally introduced in tires brought in from China in 1985, the Black rat probably hitched a ride on early European ships, Asian Longhorned Beetle native to Asia and the Cotton Whitefly came from India.

Photo provided by PPMA

Photo provided by PPMA

Thanks to all our Border Agents tasked with checking and rechecking all those shipments.

Border Agents stop another bug from entering USA


I don’t know how these agents do there jobs, can you imagine stiffing through tons and tons of stuff entering the USA daily. Each and every day these agents sort through trailers, box cars and of course just regular folks entering our borders. did an excellent “Feds find dangerous pest in basil shipment at San Francisco International airport“.

The east coast of the U.S. has encountered a similar stink bug and it is causing some real issues, damaging gardens and getting into homes. So it is very important to continue to stop these pests before they become a real big issue.

So again my hat’s off to the dedicated agents U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agriculture Stations across the USA.

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