All posts in “bug”

What’s in your attic?

What’s in your attic?


Have you ever been in your attic or crawlspace? I’ll bet like most you probably haven’t and I don’t recommend doing it from April to September here in Arizona. The temperatures could be in the high 150’s and you wouldn’t want to pass out up there and die from heat exhaustion. But anyway back to the real story: it is important from time to time to at least walk around your home and look up to the roof-line to make sure you don’t have openings in the soffett which would allow animals or birds to enter. The same can be said of insects like honeybees, which can also cause extreme conditions after they are eliminated. A quick glance will let you know what critters might be in the attic, rodent feces and rub marks could certainly be an indication of present problems and warrants a further look. Remember that secondary pests might become a nuisance after you solve the main problem of the original pest ie: bird mites, ticks or fleas – bat bugs etc. So if you can prevent the initial encounter – you may prevent the entire mess.


Even Entomologist have to have fun………

Even Entomologist have to have fun………


The naming of scientific names of critters goes way back to the founder “Carl Linnaeus” he is credited as being the first to give a name based on taxonomy. But sometimes I think some of these folks are playing games, there is one guy who named things after Star Wars characters – wasp names Polemistus chewbacca, Polemistus vaderi, and Polemistus yoda. So please check out “14 Great Names for Bugs” for an interesting take on naming bugs.

Typically the person who discovers the animals or critter gets to give the critter it’s scientific name , usually they associate it with their name but not always. So its fun to see how the intellectuals name the bug.

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