All posts in “butterflies”

Facts just the facts

Facts: remember the show – “Just the Facts please just the facts.

A few Facts.

  1. All scorpions are venomous but only about 25 species are known to have venom capable of killing a human being. We only have one in Arizona that is a concern however there have been no deaths attributable is some time.
  2. Termites were once classified in a separate order from cockroaches, but recent phylogenetic studies indicate that they evolved from close ancestors of cockroaches during the Jurassic or Triassic.
  3. New reproductive termites are winged, and able to fly. This is the time when most people think they are ants, but unlike ants they have straight antenna and no pinched waist.
  4. Scorpions are known to be one of the oldest animals on earth, 430 million years ago and emerged from the Oceans.
  5. Arachnophobia is the fear of Spiders. It is one of the most common fears in the world. It probably affects about 10% of men and 50% of women.
  6. Houseflies existed 65 million years ago! I hate flies!
  7. In Arizona we have wind scorpions or the Arizona sun spider, these eight-legged creatures aren’t technically spiders at all.
  8. Boxelder bugs can congregate on buildings and home, they are a real threat except to some plants and the best measure to keeping them out is home seal and vacuum when they do get inside.
  9. Did you know that the Arizona State Bug is the Two-tailed Swallowtail Butterfly?


Funky Caterpillar

Funky Caterpillar artwork

Funky Caterpillar and metal artwork is the new normal for outside decorations, I love some of the new stuff including this Caterpillar. Nice planter and decorative at the same time. Adds a little color to the home and you don’t have to have any real bugs. You know you can always call ProBest Pest Management 602-249-7378 if you see any critters within your home?

I don’t mind these decorations but no sense in living with the bugs. I have seen decorative rock, wire ants and even birds and flowers. What kind of artwork is at your home?

Funky Caterpillar

Pests hanging out?

Where do pests hang out?

Are there pests  hanging out on a tree nearby your home, this moth is home is warm climates. Caterpillars are known as horn worms and the adults may resemble hummingbirds due to their size. Can be found throughout the south as far as Argentina. The adults frequent deep-throated flowers, similar to that which hummingbirds visit. This moth really isn’t a pest but if you have trees touching your home you might be inviting them into your home. What is that tree housed an any colony, they would travel up a limb and right into your home and you might not know where they are coming from. What about Roof rats, another bridge right into your home. Ohhh and don’t get me started on vines on your home, you know what I would say, right?  What about those flies, yuuuuck!

There are good bugs.

Often times we just see a bug and we are prepared to exterminate it. This shouldn’t be our first thought, there are many bugs that aren’t pests. Butterflies and moths pollinate several different species of plants and flowers. Ladybugs eat a ton of aphids and spiders keep down those occasional invaders like crickets and earwigs. Hoping that in the future we can just pick a DNA strand and pick off whatever bug is eating our food or coming at our homes and businesses. This would allow the beneficial bugs that chance to continue to do what they do, protect and eat all those nasty bugs. The technology might be just around the corner, no harm to beneficials and only those that are a menace. Can you imagine a farmer having a plan to just take out the harmful bugs and leaving behind the good bugs. I’m sure the Praying Mantids, ladybugs and spiders will thank us later.

pests Rustic Sphinx moth

pests Rustic Sphinx moth



Most insects are a benefit to man, what are the bad ones or good ones?


I think if we had to say bad, the number 1 bad guy would be the mosquito and #2 would probably be the flea. But what about the good ones, such as honeybees except when they attack and ants. Some may fit into both categories such as honeybees – great honey and they pollinate but may also sting and hurt. I guess I can think of the good and bad as somewhat of a trade off, we need pollination and yet people die from bee stings each year. Termites are essential in the forest, composting trees and wood into vital nutrients within the soil.

Top 5 bad in my opinion

  1. Mosquitoes
  2. Scorpions
  3. Fleas
  4. Flies
  5. Rodents

Top 5 good in my opinion

  1. Honeybees
  2. Ants
  3. Butterflies or Moths
  4. Ladybugs
  5. ____________      Can you name a few more?

44_Bumble Bee

A few sayings we have heard as children about bugs and spiders.

  1. On the highway of your life are you the bug or the windshield?
  2. Every kid has a bug period… I never grew out of mine. E.O. Wilson
  3. Have you ever had butterflies in your stomach?
  4. A flea can trouble a lion more than the lion can harm a flea.
  5. If you sleep with dogs, you’ll get up with fleas.
  6. A closed mouth catches no flies.
  7. Even the hand of compassion is stung when it strokes a scorpion.
  8. The early bird catches the early worm.

Have you heard any others?


Nuclear fallout – issues with Fukushima

Nuclear fallout – issues with Fukushima


The minute I read this I immediately thought of Godzilla, but apparently “The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant disaster is causing “nuclear butterflies” to emerge across Japan.” The story “Nuclear Butterflies” cause stir: Mutant insects traced to Fukushima“. Can you see the rest of the story Mothra versus Butterflies and of all places but Japan itself. The home to these stories from the 1950’s and 1960’s genre.

On a more profound note, I hope the terror and damage is continuing to be taken care of by the cities and government of Japan. My heartfelt prayers continue for these folks that endured that devastating earthquake, tsunami and then the nuclear power plant catastrophe.  I have some friends from Japan and hope they are all doing well.

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